In a letter dated June 13 and published Tuesday by Firedoglake, - TopicsExpress


In a letter dated June 13 and published Tuesday by Firedoglake, the imprisoned CIA vet salutes Snowden for his recent disclosures of classified documents detailing some of the vast surveillance programs operated by the United States’ National Security Agency. “Thank you for your revelations of government wrongdoing over the past week,” Kiriakou writes. “You have done the country a great public service.” “I know that it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders right now, but as Americans begin to realize that we are devolving into a police state, with the loss of civil liberties that entails, they will see your actions for what they are: heroic rt/usa/kiriakou-snowden-letter-leak-618/
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 07:09:03 +0000

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