In a little more than twelve hours I will turn sixty years old. As - TopicsExpress


In a little more than twelve hours I will turn sixty years old. As far as I know Ive never been sixty before, and Im really looking forward to it. Turning sixty is also a good time for reflection. Ive always liked the idea of reincarnation. The idea that you keep coming back until you get it right and then its pure atomic bliss, sounds good to me. It could also be reincarnation is a form of recycling, all of a beings energy, and carbon is washed into the pool of existence and new life is formed from all of those used parts. Either way turning sixty is a mile stone, a marker along the way that shows how far youve come. Theres a certain liberation that comes with this package. If youve lived this long its likely you have experienced a lot of life, and youve come to some kind of understanding of who you are, and where you stand in the scheme of things. Theres also a part of me that wonders what Ill do when I grow up, as if theres a finality to the process (other than the obvious one). In my experience, constant reinvention is what life is all about. When I was in my twenties, somewhere in my mind I assumed it would last forever. I could easily see my friends and loved ones forever young, as if we could change the order of things, or that the bunch of us could get a one time exemption from the natural order. It turns out that youth isnt chronological, its how you see existence. Oh sure theres biology involved, but weve all known older people who remain full of life to the very end. Weve also known so called young people whove given up and their lives are over. Theres an element of choice in this. I am so glad to be alive. These first sixty years have been the typical mix of ups and downs, and lots of in between. I have loved and been loved, laughed and cried, seen incredible beauty, and horrors unimaginable, and its all part of it as we make our merry way from alpha to omega. Its an honor to be sixty, and I embrace it as a reward for being alive this long. I am truly grateful for each of these years, and Im eager for what comes next. Isnt life grand?
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:24:06 +0000

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