In aftermath of a suicide, inevitably someone will state that they - TopicsExpress


In aftermath of a suicide, inevitably someone will state that they wished the individual would have know how much he or she was loved. I’ve heard it, and its my wish that nobody would ever have to say or think that. Love is a powerful thing, but so is a depression with suicidal thoughts. Yes, suicidal thoughts may plague the sad and lonely, yet those thoughts could also torment your stereotypical life of the party (eg Robin Williams or my uncle, Karsten). These issues affect people that know they are loved, that know they are freakin’ adored, so you can’t just love the problem away. If you ever cross paths with someone that might be in this battle, show them your love, but also, encourage them to seek help. The human psyche is incredible and it’s scary; it can be so dark and powerful that it seems unfair, that’s why there are people that go through years of training and work their asses off to provide help. Simply put, it’s not fair to anyone involved to think retrospectively that you should’ve have loved someone harder or whatever other nonsense. Just love everyone, love yourself, and when you get the chance, reach out, let people know you’re there if they need you and so is professional help.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:43:23 +0000

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