In case you are wondering what my beef with this poor baby is – - TopicsExpress


In case you are wondering what my beef with this poor baby is – nothing , I wish the mom and baby well, but let me be clear: the pending national celebration of this birth offends me gravely. It offends me because we have some real and systemic problems with children’s poverty, welfare and infant healthcare in this country – all of it that should be talked about when babies are born. All on which money should be spend instead of a lone child by this over privileged welfare family we call the royals. Let me give you some real numbers to counter the emotional flag waving: A recent WHO report notes that 6198 babies die unnecessary each year in the UK . We are talking completely preventable if this system would invest more into actual pediatrician vs GP led care. This is the highest across all of Europe! And no improvement in sight as more NHS cuts are being touted. Another recent review of child welfare in this country by the BBC showed that 1 in 6 children live in a state of poverty in the UK. Roughly 36 million per year is spend on maternity allowance in welfare – that is almost exactly the same as we spend on the royal family . While public broadcaster BBC resources are being eaten up to have a 24/7 ‘live baby watch’ we saw a number of cultural channels cut last year, channels that minorities rely on to bring a sense of identity to their children growing up in this country. I could go on and on (dare you to ask me) …. So again, this celebration offends the very core of fairness in me. So lets not kid ourselves, this baby’s share of your tax money could improve the lives of a thousand other babies. Shame on you England.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:54:02 +0000

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