In honor of World Tourism Day, celebrated September 27, weve - TopicsExpress


In honor of World Tourism Day, celebrated September 27, weve compiled 20 reasons its great to be a camera-toting out-of-towner with a sudden need to stand in line for a Renaissance art museum. 1. You can eat like a feudal lord every night, and still lose weight from all the walking. 2. Whether youre terrifying yourself on local transport or basting yourself in the sun next to a bag of beer, it beats what your friends are doing back home. 3. The guilt attached to not utilizing your gym membership is far less severe than it is back home. 4. Cold beers on the beach/in a hammock/in bed/in a bar in the middle of the afternoon? Dont mind if we do. 5. Bringing home a tan and worldly knowledge is like dousing yourself in pheromones. 6. You can finally finish that book youve been falling asleep with every night for the last three months. 7. The weather. Even the rain seems somehow exotic when abroad. 8. The buzz of walking around a new place on a Wednesday morning knowing youre not at work? Cant beat it. 9. Hotels are like mini-vacations unto themselves, with someone always on hand to clean up the bathroom and serve you drinks downstairs. 10. You can wear anything. Baggy Thai fisherman pants with a beer singlet? Go on, no one will bat an eyelid. 11. You learn about the country youre visiting through experience, rather than National Geographic. Or CNN Travel. 12. You dont have to wait til 5 o clock to declare happy hour. Start anytime. 13. From fried monkey toes in Indonesia to a perfectly grilled steak at Peter Luger in New York, you get to try local specialties previously seen only on TV. 14. Those childish antics people get up to in pictures -- fingertips on the top of the Eiffel Tower, posing with fake gladiators at the Coliseum -- yep, you get to do them, too. 15. The nearest you get to cooking is pointing at the fish you want grilled for your dinner. 16. You get to mingle with a range of nationalities. Then escape them the next day. 17. Nothing beats vegging out on a plane or beach with your favorite new playlist blasting through your ear buds. Except discovering a world of musicians eager to introduce you to new music from Mexico to Morocco. 18. Tanned fat looks better than pale fat. 19. Extravagant spending is easily justified when youre traveling. When will you ever get back here? Might as well make the most of it. 20. You can jettison your mobile phone and laptop without stress. Phileas Fogg wasnt online for hours at a stretch every day and you dont have to be either.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:16:40 +0000

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