In light of the Robin Williams tragedy and the mental health - TopicsExpress


In light of the Robin Williams tragedy and the mental health issues surrounding it, I just wanted to say something. I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for over a decade and I didnt realize it until recently. It started in my early school days through bullying, stess at home, and other issues. I pushed through, until I was 19 I started to mask it through alchohol, it started to get worse and worse, I didnt realize it until my Basic Military Qualification Land when I was in Shilo MB for 5 weeks with a dry course with no alchohol aloud. I didnt realize until much later that I had been going through withdrawl symptoms (naussia, sleeplessness, constent fatigue, irritability and anger). At that time I took it as a strange stomach bug and moved on. By the time I was 20 the problem got worse, by worse I mean I was finishing a 15 case of beer in 2 days (sometimes in one sitting). By the time I had reached 21 I couldnt remember the last time I had gone more then a day or 2 without a drink. Then I broke up with my boyfriend and I went into a steep dive. I reverted back to my school days and closed myself off to the world, usually drank alone and avoided contact with anyone. I started to get into trouble at work risking my career in the military (the only thing that I had a passion for). Then one day I woke up in one of my usual hungover states and decided enough was enough, I turned to the military for addictions and mental health, it took a lot of courage. I started seeing a councellor and phsycologist and cutting back on drinking (I still drink but in moderation and sticking to light beers) and I got on medication to help with dealing with the deeper issues, anxiety and depression. Now im on the right path of fixing my life and career (though socializing and getting out of the house is still an issue) all because I just asked for help. Dont be scared to reach out, dont be scared to talk, you are not alone in this world. Together all of us can get through this.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:43:07 +0000

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