In my Readers Bits (Kano Kabasomi) Akampurira Ketry,Mushaija - TopicsExpress


In my Readers Bits (Kano Kabasomi) Akampurira Ketry,Mushaija Geoffrey,Ainembabazi Isac,Jack Sabiiti and all other fellow Ugandans if the likes of Semuwemba the head of UAH is to exist telling people sweet nothings and then his Colleagues like Martha Zesaguli is threatening people ,raising tribal sentiments that since 1962 Sir Cohen had talked about “A joined rather artificial country only had given him nose bleeding and put a noose in his UPC that even after his second coming remained a very angry man but also refused to hand over his party until 2005 • When he called the likes of Otunu and the like to rescue him from his nothern Colleagues none did until themselves overthrew him•Actually this political party-religio-ethinic enterprise out to be thrown out and we go viral with Blocks like East Africa ,COMESA and with focus on big Markets this is true synergy•Creating Monster like web page however its threats the medicine is unity not tribal orientations at all •Abby Semuwemba is in London he should have noted his hard sales based on Tribes are not only useless but since 1962 to date have yeilded negative results and negates progress•We do not need any thing Mr Semuwemba Uganda needs regional intergration Amin Collapsed but also not Monster Pages either •We either survive as a Strong Unit and as a Nation but Note Plastic pages ,Mbu Uganda At Heart• If ever US was not mature our Kenyan Brother now Great American could never have ruled USA•How are you going to end African thick blood you people ?? Just as chuvenistic as this Mr Semuwemba ? We are very disapointed as Ugandans to this kind of thing flowing inform of an IGNORANT SNAKE black in colour but blind,numb and deaf among our selves• Yesterday,I stood my Position on MTN as a service provider for Ugandans all the way from South Africa has invested Billions of Dollars in our country in terms of satelites,state of Art high-tec etc and many other Mobile Telephone Services all these assist us to communicate so we do it now or never •Our country needs to look at synergy and strong international links to survive and raise out of the Crowd with a President as such a great leader who goes to Europe and talk sense to bring us Powerful Companies like Lafaarge the Largest Producer in the world is here,AirTel Com the third in the World,Show Cases Uganda in the Conference Uganda Wins CHOGM a referal for most Tourists Coming giving US$ I B a year unheard of in Uganda•Eyes Education now makerere slips into No4 Posittion among the Best 10 African Countries bits 3/4 of African Countries which have been stable compared to 20 years of war only 8 years of Stability we produce the first Kiira EV car for 2018•Put to table to all Districts Ug 3Trillion Each with its own Accounting System under PPDA procurement System producing performance and income for New Managable Districts not Harmophus Ones the OBote I&II left • We must look for such change that benefits the country not one that search psychomphatic to put and create numerous differences•We are now not only looking for Unity but also for arcumen the gentleman like Prof Wavamuno,Late Mulwana,Agha Sekalala,Balaam and others are showing yet bounce to inginuity(Unique Wisdom)of HE Yoweri Museveni who can bind Nations with a single Human Resource Brain creating a Huge Market none absolve just admire• We should be looking out to be research minded and interested in our country•Do not be like some Guy who said if Kaguta Presents 1000 people who argue in quality debates he wont Vote•We actually need 9,000,000 Millions of you so that we focus on what Uganda lacks • As for me I have penned this and its upon you to learn do not bring views that divide but those UAH you think can build a Solid Nation and in Support of a Powerful Country these Paragraphs are emphasizing above and below ! Thank you my brothers and sisters in Uganda whom I envisage should be like King Menilik of Ethiopia who told Italians to translate the Agreement into Amaharic a language he understands then they did •After he told them change it to what fits Abysinia not Italians •When they refused he crushed them at the Battle of Adoa•Since then Ethiopia never smelt Colonialism•My friends are you like our Ethiopian Brothers •Do not tear your selves apart but build our Nation •How can elitism help us if I may ask •Iam setting the debate free Now• Byamugisha Faisal
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 10:51:56 +0000

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