In my morning devotions I continue to explore Eve and the ideas of - TopicsExpress


In my morning devotions I continue to explore Eve and the ideas of longing and desire and how God works in and through that. I think particularly on this day so many of us long for a time when we can leave for work and trust that no one will fly an airplane into our office building. We desire a world in which we can take a business trip without expecting the plane we travel on to be pulled out of the sky. We ache for a world in which those longings and desires dont leave us snakebitten. I believe God has those same longings and desires for us. Our God is a God of peace and justice and unity among all people. May Gods Desires for peace inspire and infuse our own longings to make this a a more peaceful, more just, and more unified world today. BLESSING Peace in the longing, Peace in the leaving, Peace in the letting go. In every step Peace. In the Sanctuary of Women -Jan Richarson
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:49:31 +0000

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