In my opinion (whether you agree or not) there is a huge war - TopicsExpress


In my opinion (whether you agree or not) there is a huge war coming within our nation which will bring into conflict all free Americans and the islamic-muslims. You will be for American freedom or you will be against ALL patriots within our nation! So, I believe the following is a likely scenario by which we are NOW being affected: The 0bama Islamic-muslim USA terrorist agenda is: 1- Collapse the American economy (he has about got that one done!) 2- Disarm ALL American Citizens 3- Allow through immigration and amnesty a large influx of illegal aliens (CRIMINALS & TERRORISTS) and overrun America and its resources. 4- Insert as many as possible islamic-muslims as possible into the US government and military 5- Cause mass civil riots in major urban areas 6- Because of “national crisis” declare martial law 7- Assume control of as many military assets as possible 8- Close main highways, bridges, tunnels and river systems 9- Begin systematic installation of islamic-muslim sharia law 10- Establish the western caliphate 11- Tell all of America to bow to the Islamic-muslim “false god allah” or die You have choices to make, don’t you? Are you going to let them disarm the American citizens? Only when the patriots are disarmed can any of this come to fruition! We have to stand and stand armed to do whatever it takes to insure liberty and freedom!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:23:07 +0000

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