In order to be an excellent orator and flunent speaker,you ought - TopicsExpress


In order to be an excellent orator and flunent speaker,you ought to bear in mind the importance of mastering idioms.Here you are the least out of the most ones: 1-To be (in shoes) of some one: means to be in his/her place. Example: If I were in your shoes,I would buy a car. Explanation: The listener(the one spoken to) is rich,however,goes to work on foot,therefore,the speaker said that. 2-Living from hand to mouth. means:earning so little money that I could hardly buy basic needs,no saving. Example: I went to him to owe some money,unfortunately,he was living from hand to mouth. Explanation; he could hardly get money for his important basic needs. 3-Hands are tired: means cant offer help. Example: Student: Teacher , can you help me ? Teacher: Im sorry,my hands are tired. Explanation: The teacher means that he canr help. 5- Out of ones hat. means that the speaker is speaking about a topic he/she has no idea of. Example: Please dont talk out of your hat. Explanation: Dont talk about that(topic),bec ause you have no idea . 5- Keep eye on: means watch someone/something secretly. Example. The police is keeping an eye on him. Explanation: The police is watching him. 6-None of ones busness. means the matter doesnt concern one(him/her). Example. We are discussing on our company affairs,so its none of your busness!. Explanation: Our company affairs concern us ,nor you,so do not ask questions please!. 7-Wearing ones trousers. means:doing ones responsiblity. Example: He cant make a decsion;because his wife is wearing the trousers at home!. Explanation. The wife is responsible of the family ,so she makes the decsions at home. 8-Make up ones mind: means decide. Example : Make up your mind now. Explanation. Decide now. 9- Pulling the strings: means controlling behind the curtains (scenes). Example: The president Obama is only addressing and releasing speeches,but the congress is pulling the strings in the U.S. Explanation. The congress is ruling The U.S behind the curtain while Obama does nothing. 10- Like the bridge over the water. means the difficult circummstances never effect on him/her. Example. Nelson Mandela was detained and hummilliated,however,he was like the bridge over the water. Explanation: The difficult circummstances didnt weaken him.He was strong. 11-Swimming against the current. means trying to do what is impossible. Example: If you want learn Chines language in a month,then you are swimming against the current. 12-The role reversal. means female role (such as cooking) is being done by male , or the way around. Example: The husband refused to cook ;justifying that as a role reversal. Explanation. He refused to cook because he believes that cooking is his wifes role ,not his. . . . . thats it . ======= if you like it and think that this post is useful ,please add some new idioms as comments. ========_====_==== Please comment with at least one idiom. ===_===_==_=
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 07:42:49 +0000

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