In response to all the folks who asked about the diet I am on -- - TopicsExpress


In response to all the folks who asked about the diet I am on -- here is a comprehensive list of resources and information. Of course, if you need more info or have questions, just message me! I am on an extreme low-carb diet called Keto. I basically keep my carbs to 25grams or below per day. To put that into perspective, a single chocolate chip cookie can have up to 50grams of carbs. I eat mostly meats and vegetables, nuts and dairy. I do not eat grains, potatoes, pasta, bread, beans, corn, or anything else high in carbs. The diet works because you actually increase your fat intake to replace the carbs, which keeps you feeling full throughout the day, and also gives you energy. I was afraid at first of eating so much fat (I eat a ton of red meat, butter, heavy cream, etc.) but my cholesterol has actually come DOWN a huge amount since being on this diet. My doctor concurs, and shared with me some new research that shows bad cholesterol rises due to the way our body processes sugars and starches into fat, NOT due to fats that we eat. I will let you read the details on your own. Here is the "Keto in a nutshell" document, which is more like an overview and introduction to the diet: And here is the more in-depth FAQ that can answer most of your questions: reddit/r/keto/wiki/faq Here is a list of Keto friendly foods. Make this your diet bible. Do not eat anything not on this list, and pay attention to the carb counts that are beside each of the foods on the list. Forget processed and packaged foods. You will need to eat clean in order to stick to this diet. This is the Keto support group on Reddit. I get SO much info and support here, plus users submit their own fave recipes and cooking tips all the time! (both of the documents above are linked at the top of this website) reddit/r/keto Here are my favorite Keto recipe sites: genaw/lowcarb/ camacdonald/lc/LowCarbohydrateCooking-Recipes.htm thelowcarbrecipes.wordpress ibreatheimhungry/ Feel free to share this post, either as information, or just to save it for future reference. Good luck, and healthy eating! :)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 16:22:45 +0000

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