In response to the East Bay Expresss endorsement list (they never - TopicsExpress


In response to the East Bay Expresss endorsement list (they never contacted me), Marga Lacabe wrote: I appreciate that you have endorsed Mike Katz-Lacabe - my husband - for San Leandro City Council District 1. But I am puzzled as to why you did not give a nod to Mia Ousley for District 5. While Mia doesnt have the experience that Mike does - frankly, nobody does -, she shares the same values, the same willingness to stand up for whats right and a deeper engagement with the San Leandro community than any other candidate in the race. Other than Mike, Mia has attended the most City Council, Committee and Commission meetings. She was key in creating an urban farming ordinance, and wrestling it away from the Police Chief when the Chief tried to turn it into an animal control ordinance that would give her broad rights to enter peoples private property. Mia spoke out repeatedly against the ban on medical marijuana dispensaries, and collaborated in the process of forming a good ordinance allowing them. At numerous council meetings, shes spoken out against surveillance cameras, long-term retention of surveillance data, the purchase of an armored vehicle and military equipment, putting limits on police power, in favor of restoring minutes and increasing transparency, and many, many other progressive issues. The same cannot be said about any other candidate for any other Council seat (other than Mike). Mia was also responsible for co-founding the successful coalition to Save San Leandro Hospital - at a time when pretty much everyone had accepted that Sutter would be able to close the emergency room. What Mia doesnt have are strong ties to the political establishment. She is a citizen, an activist, someone who is willing to do the hard work of government. Indeed, her knowledge of the nitty-gritty details of the Citys financial obligations gained her the endorsement of the Oakland Tribune, not a small feat for someone who is so unabashedly liberal. Moreover, it was because of Mias courage in making raising the minimum wage part of her platform, that other candidates were forced to come out in favor of supporting it. Its a pity you did not meet with her, got to know her record and learned about her vision for San Leandro. Thanks, Marga :)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 00:21:19 +0000

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