In response to the article titled: Why Kurdish Independence Is the - TopicsExpress


In response to the article titled: Why Kurdish Independence Is the Only Solution for the World. at: time/3105066/kurdish-independence-iraq/ Every nation deserves a homeland on its ancestral birthplace, and the Kurds are entitled to one too. But the dilemma is that they are claiming the heartland of the people whom they persecuted and brought down to a minority status. It is like when Russia annexed part of East Poland after WWII, and told the Poles to get a chunk of East Germany instead. Similarly when Palestinians tried to grab an alternate homeland in Lebanon in the 1970s. Should the homeland of a persecuted people be handed to the persecutor as a reward? Should Armenia be handed to Turkey? Should Israel be handed to the Nazis? And should the persecuted be allowed to be ruled by their persecutors? Those are ethical questions that need to be answered before building a new nation on blind nationalistic ideologies, and on the suffering of another nation. Because if this happens, that new nation will never be secure, and its policy will always continue the persecution. The ball is in the court of the Kurds now, they need to step in and do the right thing, and champion for an Assyrian state side by side to theirs, because whatever the Kurds are demanding, so are Assyrians! Hence whatever the Kurds demand for themselves, they need to demand for Assyrians, and this way they can diffuse the atrocities that they caused the Assyrians in the past, a sort of compensation for them. There is plenty of Assyrian land for all to share, and Assyrians are not asking for a handout of someone else’s land, they are asking for their on their own ancestral homeland, which is their legitimate rights like any other nation. Noting that they are not asking for all Assyrians territories, because they are willing to share part of Assyrian land with the new comers be it Arabs, Kurds or Turks. But nevertheless a portion of their homeland should be exclusively Assyrian, simply to preserve their Assyrian culture, language, religion, traditions, history, etc. and anything less than that, they would looked at the foreigners as invaders and occupiers of Assyrian homeland. Many people look at Assyrians as a minority group; however minority and majority are relative terms. The Assyrians were once a majority, but were brought down to a minority status by a series of systematic massacres, and if any other nation had experienced similar persecution it would have become a minority too, in other words. In other words, any majority group now could face the same situation as Assyrians did and become themselves a minority in the future, does that mean that their rights should be taken away too simply because they became a minority? If a family of five members own a house and a piece of land, would an armed family of twelve members be entitled to barge in, massacre few members of the first family and claim their home and land as theirs just because the first family became a minority compared to them? Assyrian had survived 2600 years after the fall of their capital Nineveh, and history hasnt ended yet! History is dynamic, and present majorities can turn into minorities too. Hence the right way to address the issue is all nations be treated on equal footings, and all are entitled to similar rights, and no nation should be at a better bargaining situation if its numbers are numerous and are pointing their guns at a second nation that happens to temporarily be cornered in an awkward situation, because time changes and tables turn, and the Kurds need the Assyrians as friends and allies on equal footing, because neither the Turks, nor Persians nor Arabs want the Kurds! The Kurds should not fall for the euphoria of a temporary short term situation; they need to learn from history. In WWI and WWII the Assyrians were in excellent situation in Iraq, and they were promised independence by the British if they join the allies, but after the war, the British turned their back to them to please the majority Arabs, and what followed was the massacre of Assyrians in Simele in 1933 on the hands of Arabs and Kurds, and all Assyrian dreams went up the air! Now the Kurds are passing through a similar situation where the certain countries are backing them, remember that these countries are backing the Kurds, because they want to influence Arab regimes, and not because they had fallen in love with the Kurds, so once they achieve their goals by changing the Arab regimes to their liking, then they would turn their backs on the Kurds just like they did to the Assyrians in 1933. So the Kurds need to think long term, and after the foreign help is shut off, because then all the neighboring countries would turn against them, that is why they Kurds need address the Assyrians rights, because without doing that they would be losing their moral ticket to be accepted by the rest of the world!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:27:48 +0000

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