In the name of God the Merciful And prayers and peace be upon - TopicsExpress


In the name of God the Merciful And prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ................................................. Egyptian awakening to view the pages of history .................................................. ...... 11 - so they want to break up Egypt ... the completion of the previous article!! .................................................. ....................... Barack Hussein Abu turban or Obama; figure typical of the character of American cartoon, it is a personal symmetry shilling or Albraizh Egyptian currency survey, can not recognize the face of such currency from its back are both a scanner or effaced Although the commissioning of which came because of him as president of the United States run explained to him and understanding him clearly but he did not understand the lesson, not understanding or explanation, we do not know - we - and maybe not others, it is so stupid historical and illustrious who advised Barak that starts its history presidential Egypt and specifically Cairo, and more specifically, of Castle Cairo University, as convinced him to travel to Cairo, despite an apology Egyptian President at the time Hosni Mubarak for not received, where it seemed Barack Obama in Cairo between Cairo airport and archaeological sites visited, and his speech at Cairo University, then return to the plane presidential Cairo Airport, as a journey tad light-hearted to Disneyland in the United States, and not trip Presidential U.S. president, as puzzled mind whether Barack Obama was - and still - lead on the international political stage, the role of Tom or Jerry .. ... I apologize for the above-provided, of respect from both sides of the minds of the ladies and gentlemen readers, but circumstantial case as circumstantial Obama, what have to be devoid of Aabuthai Aldisney Land. ..... Clearly, in the history of the United States that some of their heads were the heads Zervien, what got them Americans - or at least those who are responsible for bring the President of the United States - in order to govern the United States, it is - America - a joint stock company gave it the form of state - but Ji them to circumstantial non- declared and some belong to the companys partners state without others so they come in subtle situational President for another sector partners and illusions declared hide the fact disastrous, Asaha go to the United States where she went and disappeared lost continent .. ... We said before that Freemasonry is the idea of historical elements is derived fundamentals Israelis - that tarred by the Jews - the time of their stay in Egypt, which lasted about four centuries since sent them Moses as a prophet of the Jewish faith Fjra nominated Jews ............. And the idea of impartiality Pharaonic of divinity and that the pursuit of the pharaoh to occupy the chair divinity who has not claimed one for himself rather than a genuine desire to deification, but the desire not to be left by later life, then it has stuck to the pharaoh as deification, but life did not respond to him specifically when Mizraim one of the sons of Adam and before the time of Noah;, and the name Mizraim was derived from the name Egypt became a named note it and it has, then it was after Mizraim; that Egyptian named Enoch, which he called the Quran as Idris, a name made famous by Enoch Muslim and an Egyptian, has sent Idris Enoch, calling for the unification of God, and like any other call in human history when that runs out of time and can not find her guard only human, they are to shift and change, and tampering with the closest ones to the conservation and maintenance .. .. But remained and is still among the secrets carried by the pyramids of Egypt, not Mexico, even claiming, the secrets quest the children of Israel have in time after time, but failure and despair pushed them to lie and claim and the claim that they had participated in the building of the pyramids and that no one knew until now how it was built and built by ancient Egyptians .. But what came out of Egypt with Gods prophet Moses was seized of lying and deception on what Tlwah of Costume and went Egyptians, but has wasted Kprahm robbery on many of the papyri of ancient Egyptian, but all were able to understand, including some religious organizations Pharaonic without understanding much, but whatever Hute papyri of the mysteries of religious and perhaps some of the mysteries related to the pyramids; which - circumstantial - bestowed on his understanding of the Jews from Al-Ahram form religiously and perhaps tried to Samaritan exploit some understanding of Jews for some of what has been made available to them from the belief Pharaonic Fastnsch them an idea or a dream calf Egyptian Apis, but the dream went, including seized it from the Egyptians and their gold jewelery drawers Red Sea, and remained for the Jews worship the idea of the Egyptian semi-reciprocity which spread in the life time of the Egyptian Pharaohs built the survival of the Jews of Israel later in Egypt ..
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 22:48:41 +0000

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