In the past war was different, the enemy was different and so were - TopicsExpress


In the past war was different, the enemy was different and so were we. There is no question that our country is guilty of thing most people dont like to admit to, but when it comes to this president, people seem all to happy to talk about shameful things if they think it will splash more mud on the face of one man. Heres a good question: If its reasonable to think that Obama is responsible for Iraqi, Afghanistan and the Patriot Act, then why not blame him for 9/11 and the attack on Pearl Harbor??? Please stop trying to insult my intelligence, because all you are doing is making yourself look silly. About National Defense Authorization Act 2013: Now as I stated earlier, war has changed. No longer are we threatened by ships with missiles from strong arm countries or long range bombers. The threat now, comes from terrorist (as we call them). These are groups or factions that dont like the USA, so they might take action if we get involved in a war, or for any random reason. The point is that we (THE CIA) knows that there are people living here in the USA (AS CITIZENS) who might even be citizens with the intent of some day fallowing orders from al Qaeda. Now I dont know about any of you, but I think the House and Senate were right to pass this bill. I am also glad that President Obama signed it. Unlike most people, I am confident that this bill is not a tool to oppress us, it is necessary to protect us in this new kind of war. Note: The NDAA gets reviewed and resigned every year. Who are our politicians and what are they about? You cant rely on people telling you whats going on and you cant just wake up one day and say Im going to fallow the news. Read what they write and listen to what they say. Watch what they do. REMEMBER. Im not sure how much people really know, how much they are being told that is just cow dung and how much they totally forget, so its hard not to write something that isnt 20 pages long. I feel like Fox news has it all figured out... They perfected the art of brainwashing via subliminal messages and flat out lies. Not that anyone can rely on any network news. I do like a little clever creativity and I can laugh at most, but some just go too far and jump the fence to the side of disrespect. No on creating the images being posted, or posting the images could ever handle the office of president of the US for even a day. Getting elected is a feat unto itself, so anyone holding the office needs to get our respect. Do you know that the whole world laughs at America... Not our leaders, they laugh at us, because we are so divided, so easily manipulated and they think we are dumb. With our actions, what have we done to dispel any of this? I think we have only enforced it. Thank you. {insert some other persons crappy photoshop with clever statement in all caps here}
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:35:16 +0000

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