In this life we meet good and bad people they all take part in - TopicsExpress


In this life we meet good and bad people they all take part in shaping our lives of whom we are and who we become in the future. They are like rain after a long dry spell and others are like sun after along rainy season. Though some are like a stormy wind, but they all shape us. Otherwise some are good, others bad. Some shake us up from our slumber others scare the hell out of us. All in all it’s a journey to grow. It’s a road that we travel once in our lifetime. A road we are only aware of where we come from and where we are. A road in which we do not know what will happen a second from this moment. Always we are left in the dark on what will happen next. But by faith or sheer luck we have learned to trudge on this slippery, volatile, and shaky ground of a journey. We have learned to accommodate both friends and foes in this journey. They all are important because along the way we share our past experiences, our fears, our trying moments and they give us hope and brevity to journey on. It’s a journey travelled once and none has ever come back to tell the story of the second journey. Life is beautiful like a virgin tropical forest. More beautiful when its full of blossoms and the natural fragrance. A beauty to behold by a yearning soul. Life is good in the forest of imagination and dreams. Imagine how purer and attractive once the natural forests looked without the interference of man. Take a stroll with me in the times of Christopher Columbus in the new found land. The only inhabitants then there were the red Indians and wild game. Oh, our concern was not on this but how beautiful life can be. Its only in the tropical forest we find the true beauty of our world. The true handcraft of creation, so in life that is a journey travelled. Once is the true master piece of art that can never be replicated in the worlds past, present and even in future. That is how beautiful is life.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:47:04 +0000

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