So today i was invited to come along to the opening of the first - TopicsExpress


So today i was invited to come along to the opening of the first ever New Zealand F45 Training Auckland CBD Me and my best friend Rosie (who has also lost 40kgs ) It was one of THE BEST and HARDEST workouts i have ever done! In the moment i wanted to die, but after i felt amazing. I can not wait to go back. Was super hard since i havent been the best eating and training for the ;sat 2 weeks since moving and man can you notice how unfit you get after a few weeks off. Todays session was our Hollywood Super Saturday Session Session is high intensity interval circuits around 27 stations that put your strength, core stability and cardiovascular endurance under the brightest of spotlights. It’s a test of strength and, even more, a test of willpower. 35 sec at each station then you move to the next for an hour strait Battle Rope Squat Jump Medicine Ball Sit Ups against wall Romanian Deadlift and Row Raised Rear Foot lunge Spin bike Military Push Up Overhead Slams Medicine Ball, fast split jumps Row Alternate leg step ups Bicep Curl + Shoulder Press Row Ankle Taps Sledgehammer box Plate Side plank with Pulse Burpee Incline Chest Press Shoulder Press Lying tricep Extension Single Arm row with DB Lunge Rower Sled But thanks to Kate who is the gorgeous owner that i went to high school with and the team of amazing trainers who pushed me as at times i wasnt sure i was going to make it! I was pretty stoked that i got to meet and train me one of my Celeb crushes Daniel Conn F45 Celebrity Trainer He founded these gyms and has a great philosophy behind them and i cant wait to head back and train again. Would any of you been keen on us holding a Fat 2 Fit NZ Trial class? X
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 06:40:54 +0000

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