In todays world we hav assumed a mentality where we hav bgin to - TopicsExpress


In todays world we hav assumed a mentality where we hav bgin to beliv that life won,t go on smoothly without taking recourse to lies. Our mouths are filled with lies like food and drinks. And this habit hasn,t given up on us even in fasting. Prophet saw once says,"if u lie Allah needs not ur giving up food nor ur drinking". In the similar way prophet saw was once asked by sahaba ra about the biggest sins. Rosullulah says shirk, ill treating parents etc. Then prophet says shoud i tell you what are the biggest sins, he repeated it thrice, and changing his position from back to front thrice, and repeated three times, its Lie, Lie, and lie".
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:39:01 +0000

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