In two days, we’ll begin to have answers to the burning - TopicsExpress


In two days, we’ll begin to have answers to the burning questions: Will Republicans cave on Obamacare? Has the party embraced Common Core? Do “conservatives” support government bailouts? In two days -- on Monday, June 30 -- the most important fundraising quarter of my campaign closes. By putting in up to $1 million of his own money, my opponent Brian Ellis has flooded West Michigan’s airwaves -- and made a few headlines in the process. The primary election is just five weeks away. The crucial fundraising quarter that ends on Monday will be the last one before the election. It will determine to what extent my campaign can go on the air to tell the truth about my record. It will shape the national narrative about this campaign. [Donate Now: https://amash.nationbuilder/donate_paypal?utm_campaign=three_questions&utm_medium=email&utm_source=amash] This election is hugely consequential because the contrast between the candidates is so stark. I’ve fought every day for our principles. I’ve voted dozens of times to repeal Obamacare. I led the fight against unconstitutional spying. I wrote the leading bill to cut corporate welfare. And I never backed down in our charge against reckless spending and debt. Brian Ellis? He’d be the anti-me. *Brian Ellis wants Michigan to expand Obamacare.* At a recent campaign stop, he revealed that Obamacare expansion in Michigan -- which could load billions of dollars of debt onto the state’s books -- was the right call. As a congressman, would Brian Ellis vote for more Obamacare funding to keep the Obamacare expansion going? *Brian Ellis voted for Common Core.* The Obama administration’s takeover of our kids’ schools started during Ellis’s time as a school board member. Ellis voted to adopt the federal Common Core and now has become its vocal defender! *Brian Ellis supported government bailouts of big corporations.* Ellis called the federal government’s multi-billion dollar bailouts “the reasonable things to do.” As Jennifer Granholm’s appointee to a corporate welfare fund, he even handed out the checks himself, totaling $500 million! *Brian Ellis endorses the NSAs unconstitutional domestic spying programs.* Ive led the movement in Congress to stop the NSAs warrantless surveillance of ordinary Americans. Two weeks ago, a huge bipartisan majority backed my efforts to block NSA snooping on innocent Americans emails and private communications. Brian Ellis? Hes paying thousands of dollars to run ads SLAMMING my efforts. Even after all weve come to know about the governments out-of-control spying on Americans, Brian Ellis says the Patriot Act should have been reauthorized -- without a single reform! My campaign needs the resources to combat the smears and bring home a conservative victory. The endorsements from conservative leaders have been appreciated. From Ted Cruz to Rand Paul, from FreedomWorks to the Club for Growth, they’ve all stood with me. And it almost goes without saying that our grassroots volunteers are essential to a victory. But there’s only so much my campaign can do without the resources to communicate with voters. [Donate Now: https://amash.nationbuilder/donate_paypal?utm_campaign=three_questions&utm_medium=email&utm_source=amash] Our fundraising quarter ends in about two days. This is the most crucial quarter of the entire election -- the last one before the primary. It determines whether we can afford materials for our volunteers. It will decide whether we can put up substantial ads to counter Brian Ellis’s lies. Do we want to elect a supporter of the expansion of Obamacare? Of Common Core? Of government bailouts? If like me, you believe in individual liberty, economic freedom, and the Constitution, I need your help right away -- by this Monday, June 30, at the latest. Please, help as much as you are able. Together, I know we can achieve a resounding victory. In liberty, Justin Amash P.S. There are only TWO DAYS left in this quarter. Would you give your generous support of $500, $250, $100, or $50 today? [Donate Now: https://amash.nationbuilder/donate_paypal?utm_campaign=three_questions&utm_medium=email&utm_source=amash]
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:00:01 +0000

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