India suppose to be a secular country where all religions are - TopicsExpress


India suppose to be a secular country where all religions are given equal status and respect. But is it call secularism when one can not call himself a Hindu but can call himself a Muslim or Christian...........!!! If any one talk about Hinduism then many of the political parties is just ready to jump into a conclusion and ensure to make it sound like very communal but at the same time many of them talk about Islam openly but every one keeps quite....!!! Why we need such secularism where one can not identify himself as Hindu in Hindustan.....??? (I am not against any religion but dead against some political parties who possess themselves as not communal but they are the most communal activist in India............!!!) One must be free to call himself as Hindu or Muslim or Christian so far it is not hampering any other religions....!!! Jai Hind..............!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 06:00:20 +0000

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