Infinite or defined that is the question. This is an interesting - TopicsExpress


Infinite or defined that is the question. This is an interesting thing to consider – not sure how helpful – maybe something worthwhile will pop out of it in the end. The core of the issue could be considered this way - if God is infinite then how is Jesus to be considered a full revelation of God? For me I always start with how Jesus in the most fundamental way – how he and the Godhead are described – what was it that Christ came to reveal? John sums this up in my opinion when he says that Jesus came in truth and grace which he reiterates – grace and truth showed up as Jesus Christ. What Jesus wanted us to know about God is something in relation to truth and grace – I call it truth and grace theology – it encompasses everything Jesus wanted us to know about himself and the Godhead. The question then is what is this truth and grace that Jesus was revealing – or what is this truth and grace that showed up as Jesus Christ. I think the core in this is that these two words deal with the ontological nature and expression of the Godhead – one in regards to the being and context in which they exist (truth) and the other the way that the Godhead expresses itself in love (grace – expressed love). The grace of God flows from the ontological contextual truth that the Godhead exists in. So what is the ontological truth of the Godhead Christ revealed. I think overall it is framed in a relational context – much like an atom exists in a relational context – there are protons, neutrons and electrons that form a relationship called the atom. Jesus also revealed three things about the Godhead that are also true about the atom. First the Godhead has union between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – when we talk about the Godhead we have to speak in terms of oneness – for in the atom without an electron, proton or neutron you no longer have an atom. Yet in this oneness there is distinction – the Father is always the Father and is distinct from the son. Jesus also shows us that there is communion in the godhead between the Father, son and Holy Spirit – the communion, union and distinction of the Godhead is expressed in love (CUDL for short). Thus I would suggest that Jesus is the only full revelation of the infinite nature of the Godhead yet he did not fully express the infinite nature of the Godhead yet he is the full expression of the truth of the Godhead – the fullness of the Godhead was fully present in christ – In Jesus we see the fullness of the infinite God but not a full expression of it. In the same way I can go to church and be fully present and express myself in many ways – yet if I am at a soccer match playing I will express myself in ways I did not at church. Communion, union, distinction and love are infinite concepts that can be express the fullness of the Godhead but not fully – the fullness of God can be expressed in an infinite number of ways and Jesus fully revealed the infinite nature of truth and grace even though he did not fully express truth and grace in all their forms. Some argue that God is limiting himself in some way in that he does not participate in things like evil and as such is defined in some definitive way. The issue here is that the ontological frame of the Godhead exists in truth – not some frame of dualism like morality – there is no morality in the Godhead – the Godhead does not function in dual constructs – for if it is a dual construct it cannot be truth – for there is truth and anything else by definition is not. There is truth and nothing else apart from the truth. There is reality and only reality and the reality is – the Godhead exists in truth and expresses itself through love – only love. The holiness of God, the righteousness of God, the justice of God, the sovereignty of God are all tied to CUDL – to truth and grace - all humanity is created in the image (truth) and likeness (grace) of the Godhead – this is why Eve was taken from Adam – in the image of God he created them – in union, communion, and distinction. The glory of the God is the Godhead fully alive in CUDL – God is glorified as we participate in it with him. As through Adam all humanity falls short of the glory of God we were headed toward annihilation and non-being – to cease to exist – for God to allow this to happen would have violated the image in which we were created – violating the sovereignty of the Godhead – In other words when God created man in his own image he went all in with humanity and only in preserving man from going to non-being and annihilation did he preserve his own sovereignty in CUDL. The penalty of violating the reality of the Godhead was a death of non-being which would have happened at our physical death if God had not intervened. Even though we still die physically, we have now been freed from this penalty of non-being and included in the spirit life of the Godhead. In the fall we were also locked into a dualistic frame of conscience and morality – a frame of death – to be carnally minded is death. By our inclusion in the sprit life of the Godhead we can now live in the CUDL life of the Godhead and no longer have to walk according to the fallen mind – the flesh. Adam and Eve were created in the likeness and image of CUDL and they walked with God in the garden in the context of this image and likeness, enjoying the CUDL of the Godhead in relation to their own CUDL which was a reflection of the Godhead. When they sinned they became blind to the heart and face of God and the image and likeness they were created in. This is what put them hiding in the bushes – God has been trying to reveal himself to us ever since – meeting us where we are at in our context and frame. Through Christ this same humanity that was created in the likeness and image of God has now been included in the spirit life of the Godhead. We are new creatures in Christ - we are no longer just created in the image and likeness of God but we are included in the spirit life of the Godhead itself that exists in CUDL – to participate in the CUDL life of the Godhead with God. Adam and Eve’s destiny was to be like God – part of the Godhead – mortal puts on immortal – corruptible puts on incorruptible – our destiny was never to only bear his image and likeness – but to participate in it through adoption into the Godhead. The deception of the fallen mind has been dealt with through Christ even though we can still choose to live in that death of conscience and morality. Through Christ we have been included in the spirit life of CUDL in the Godhead and are invited to participate in it. Jesus is the definitive revelation of the infinite nature of the Godhead which humanity has been included in – and through eternity we will continue to participate in the infinite nature of the Godhead expressed in infinite ways – this is why the new covenant of CUDL is written on our hearts and minds and cannot be contained within any moral law or some book – including the Bible – the Bible points us to the one who is the New Covenant and is at the core of every human being – the bible reveals and points us toward CUDL – Jesus is the word of God that is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 20:36:18 +0000

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