Information on a Trip to the Amazon Rainforest - TopicsExpress


Information on a Trip to the Amazon Rainforest ================================== The Amazon rainforest spans nearly 3 million square miles and harbors some of the most diverse species of flora and fauna on the planet. Travel in the rainforest can be as complex as the myriad ecosystems within it, so plan well before stepping foot into this rugged and remote wilderness. Location The Amazon rainforest occupies territory in nine South American countries. According to Hillman Wonders of the World, approximately two-thirds of the rainforest lies in Brazil, while roughly 13 percent of it is in Peru. Other countries with smaller portions of the Amazon rainforest include Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana. The Amazon River snakes its way through the jungle and across the continent, and at more than 3,900 miles is technically the second longest river in the world. Climate The climate in the Amazon rainforest is hot and humid all year. Precipitation is always heavy, but December through March tends to be the wettest season. Wetter conditions lead to higher water levels, making it easier to get around by boat and tour the underbellies of tree canopies where birds and monkeys dwell. On the other hand, drier conditions facilitate treks into the jungle, uncovering previously flooded areas and making it easier to spot creatures such as alligators and fish. Health Issues Travelers face several health hazards when touring the Amazon rainforest, with yellow fever and malaria presenting the biggest threats. Frommers Travel Guide highly recommends getting yellow fever shots and taking malaria tablets or receiving an anti-malarial vaccination prior to arrival. Insect repellent helps keep mosquitoes at bay, but vaccinations still are compulsory. Visitors should also be careful about water consumption. Drink only bottled water to avoid parasites and general stomach discomfort. Transportation Transportation is very limited, with dense jungles and hundreds of rivers making it difficult to get very far on the few primitive roads running through the region. The primary means of entry into the Amazon is by plane. The cities of Manaus, Brazil, and Iquitos, Peru, have airports with connecting flights to the outside world. Charter jets are available to some jungle destinations from these main hubs, but the most common way to get around is by boat. Smaller craft are ideal for short distances, while larger barges and pontoons provide long-distance transport to ports along the Amazon River and its tributaries. Points of Interest Manaus and Iquitos are logical starting points for any journey into the Amazon rainforest, but these bustling cities deserve a day or two of exploration themselves before you set out for more remote destinations. The confluence of the Rio Negro and Rio Solimóes near Manaus in Brazil is known as the meeting of the waters and features a unique melding of dark and yellow waters from the two rivers as well as freshwater dolphins. Perus Manu Biosphere is another popular attraction for ecotourists. This protected region of the rainforest encompasses 5 million acres of virgin jungles hiding impressive macaw clay licks and ox-bow lakes brimming with diverse wildlife. Other points of interest in the Amazon include the Madidi National Park in Bolivia and the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve in Ecuador. What to Pack Pack light when traveling to the Amazon. Bring waterproof clothing and a sturdy pair of hiking shoes along with a first-aid kit and personal mosquito net. Banks and ATM machines are scarce, so prepare accordingly. You will likely need to keep some cash on you at all times, but exercise caution since this is a developing region where petty theft is common. How to Survive in the Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon rain forest encompasses more than a billion acres, including parts of Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. The denseness and enormity of the jungle, its massive amount of rainfall (up to 9 feet each year) and its variety of dangerous animals -- piranhas, boa constrictors, jaguars and poisonous arrow frogs -- can make surviving alone or even with a partner challenging. Although making it out of the rain forest alive requires specific skills and knowledge, in any survival situation you must keep five goals in mind: water and food; shelter; fire; signaling; and first aid. Step 1 Steady your nerves, according to the tourism website Travel Overseas. If you’re separated from your fellow travelers or you’ve survived a plane crash, your first instinct might be to panic. Panic exhausts the body and exponentially increases its need for water and food. Sit quietly for a while to gather your thoughts and take inventory of your supplies. If you survived a plane crash, search the wreckage for potable water, fresh food, a knife, waterproof materials, blankets, first-aid supplies and any other gear that might help you survive. Step 2 Keep your skin covered. Roll down your sleeves and cover your face as much as you can to avoid scratches and insect bites. Wear pants instead of shorts. Treat any wounds immediately and as properly as possible. Step 3 Obtain water. Dense masses of insects often indicate a nearby water source, according to Travel Overseas. Bees usually build their hives within a couple of miles of a body of water, and flies typically stay within 300 feet of water. Whenever possible, boil the water you find, filter it or add purification tablets to it. Step 4 Wear waterproof shoes or rubber jungle boots. If these aren’t available, wrap your feet in plastic bags before putting on your shoes. Never wear wet socks. Over time, chronic moisture can lead to tissue breakdown and leave feet vulnerable to fungus and other infections. Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound advises applying moleskin or duct tape to hot spots and using foot creams or powders to treat fungus or bacteria. Cover any blisters and drain them from the bottom with a sterilized needle, but only if absolutely necessary. Step 5 Head downhill. In 1971, 17-year-old Julia Kopecke was the lone survivor of a 92-passenger flight that crashed in the Peruvian rain forest. Although in shock, she recalled her father’s advice: “Heading downhill in the jungle leads to water and water leads to civilization.” After bushwhacking through the forest for 10 days, the teenager stumbled across a hunter’s hut and was eventually reunited with her father. Step 6 Leave a trail, according to Travel Overseas. As youre hiking through the jungle, make markers from torn clothing or any brightly colored or reflective objects you can find. Don’t create a trail from anything edible, as animals will consume it. Don’t head in a straight line, either. Constantly look ahead for gaps in the rain forest, and conserve your energy by making slow and steady progress. Use a long branch as a walking stick and to clear foliage from your path. Avoid grabbing vines or plants while making your way up slopes, as many rain forest plants have thorns and emit irritants. Step 7 Find or build a shelter. Use whatever materials you have or can find to protect yourself from heavy rains and flooding, insects, and poisonous spiders and snakes. Take shelter on the highest ground possible and build fires to frighten away predators and signal for help. Step 8 Eat berries, fruits, vegetables and nuts with which you’re familiar to avoid the risk of accidental poisoning. Look for coconuts, squash, cucumber, cashews, peanuts and citrus fruits, all of which are plentiful in the Amazon. If you’re able to find fruit or catch fish from a lake or river, don’t hoard it, as it will attract wildlife and spoil quickly in the tropical heat and humidity.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:46:07 +0000

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