Inger Blackford Barrister Auckland City I am a senior family law - TopicsExpress


Inger Blackford Barrister Auckland City I am a senior family law barrister based in central Auckland, NZ. I have more than 18 years experience in the field of family law and went to the independent bar in 2006. I specialise in all areas of family law including but not limited to; - Relationship property (including those cases with complex dimensions such as trusts, companies, and overseas property) - Care of children (custody, guardianship and contact) - Child Support - Estate litigation/family protection - Hague Convention on international child abduction - Adoption/Surrogacy - Lawyer for the child I have practiced general family law in NZ and Child Care and Youth Justice law Oxford (UK). I am a member of the panel of lawyers approved to undertake work for the Central Authority (Ministry of Justice) in relation to applications under the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction. I am originally from Australia (QLD) but undertook my legal studies in New Zealand. I retain strong ties to Australia and am a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. I served as a trustee of an anti-truancy trust based in West Auckland, and was a former member of the Care & Protection Resource Panel for the Department of Child Youth and Family. I served as Co-Chair of the Family Law & Family Rights Section of LAWASIA and have been a member of their Family Law & Family Rights Committee (NZ representative) since 2005. I was a member of the International Family Law Issues Standing Committee for the Family Law Section of the NZLS for more than 3 years and I served as convenor for the Committee. I regularly attend and speak at both domestic and international conferences and have chaired conferences for Lexis Nexis. I have attended conferences in Singapore, London, Perth, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart and Canberra and was an invited speaker at LAWASIAs Family Law Conference in Cambodia in 2011 where I presented a paper on Shared Parenting. I am a member of the following organisations; - New Zealand Law Society - Family Law section of the New Zealand Law Society - International Bar Association - LAWASIA - Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia - New Zealand Bar Association My publications and presentations include the following; - Submission presenter for NZLS to Parliamentary Justice & Electoral Select Committee re: Child & Family Protection Bill - Chair of Lexis Nexis Child Law Conference April 2010 - Court appointed Lawyer for Child qualified - Court appointed Counsel to Assist qualified Publications; - Speaker at the Lexis Nexis Child Law Conference 2006 "Judicial Interpretations of Day-to-Day Care and Contact" - Speaker at the Lexis Nexis Family Law Advocacy Skills 2004 "Discovering the Evidence" - Speaker at the Lexis Nexis Property Relationships Masterclass 2006 "Knowing Your Clients Rights and Remedies - Trusts and Companies" - Speaker at the New Zealand Law Society Family Law Conference 2005 "International Property Issues". - Speaker at the LAWASIA 4th Children & The Law Conference May 2011 in Siem Reap Cambodia "Joint Parenting" - Speaker at the LexisNexis conference "Examining the Family Court Review" October 2012 I am available to take instructions on a broad range of family law issues and I work with a number of firms of solicitors who regularly brief me on matters. My terms and conditions of engagement are available upon request.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 21:33:32 +0000

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