#Insert_34 It read as f0llows: Sihle Its n0t what you - TopicsExpress


#Insert_34 It read as f0llows: Sihle Its n0t what you thunk I replied and said: Unf0rtunately I wasnt thunking b0ut anythung Noly: MxM Hambha Zweli. Me: OWOah uLate sanqa. We just c0ntinued with our swinging. Narthee and Yamza walked to us. Narthee: Haibo,Why is this Zweli guy walking with Stacy Siphe? Me: Whos Stacy? Anza: The white chick hes with. Me: Is that Thee Stacy? Yamza: Jah Thats Thee Stacy and that is the guy who went with her to the h0spital and went out with a female d0ctor. So Zweli went to introduced Stacy to her m0m . Wow Hee,So Zweli might be the father of the baby. I Felt a huge lump in my thr0at ,yeah It kinda hurt. Narthee disturbed my th0ughts. Him: Siphe Me: Yah Nathee Him: Cela Sithathe iWalk I st0od up and went t0gether. We walked ar0und ,playing and teasing each other. After alm0st 30 minutes,he st0pped walking. Him: Awulambanga? Me: Nah Andkalambi. J0h Bendisifa yindlala qha nd0nqena bengathi Ndyasarha . Him: Ha.a Ulambile. We went to Fishaways and he ordered s0me fish and chips. We atte then We went back to the park. Yamza and Noly werent there. Him:So what are you planning f0r your birthday? Me:Nothung Just chilling eParkini. Him: Mhmh Ok. Me: Why are you asking? Him: Just curi0us njehna. We chilled f0r a while then went to the h0tel . Ntosh was sitting outside. Her: My daughter JOH ndzathetha kuse kanene. Me: Yes Ma. Narthee t0ok out an0ther chair inside and I sat next to Ntosh. NArthee g0t inside the h0use. We chatted b0ut everythung,she even asked me what I l0ved kuNathee and many m0re. My Ph0ne rang sisathetha,It was Zweli. Me:Can I take this one Ma? Her: No problem . Me: Heey Him: Can we meet so I can explain what you saw Earlier? Me: Nah Am busy so please bhuda. Him: Please Siphe. Me: No Andifun. I Dropped the call then went back to chill with Ntosh. Later I went to my r0om,I just lay on the c0uch and t0ok a nap. #Miniskirt_Am_busy :*
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 06:28:24 +0000

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