Inspired with Cameron Days article Why I Am No Longer a Light - TopicsExpress


Inspired with Cameron Days article Why I Am No Longer a Light Worker I wrote this Declaration of Sovereignty: In the Name of my I Am Presence, I declare absolute sovereignty of my human multidimensional Personality. Here and now, in the past, present and future, and in all parallel realities I declare following: I declare “not valid” all agreements, contracts and obligations, signed by me with corrupted control system of planet Earth, with Archons, Matrix created by them or any beings worked for them or are part of their control system. I declare “not valid” all agreements of entrance in Matrix and exit from Matrix, agreements about karma, about bearing karmic sufferings, agreements with Rulers of karma, Angels keepers, Angels of death and other Angels and Guides – servants of Matrix. I can leave Matrix at any time, in accordance of my Higher Self guidance and without implementation of any terms and conditions. Similarly I declare “not valid” all copies, variants and doublets of these agreements. I take back all the energy, which was spent in a conclusion, maintenance and implementation of these agreements or was taken from me through these agreements. I send all these agreements and all copies, variants and doublets of these agreements into Galactic Center for utilization. I transform into the Light and Love or send into Galactic Center all imprints, implants, attachments, thoughts, images, emotions and other low vibrational energies, related to these agreements. I transform into the Light and Love, send into Galactic Center or return to the real proprietors all irrelevant karma placed on me, my family and my generation by the hierarchy of Matrix. I delete all information about me from all data banks and chronic of Matrix controlled by Archons. I refuse further embodiment in the wheel of Samsara, in the cycles of reincarnation on Earth for any reasons, is it karma, educating of soul or any other reason. My further way in the Universe is right to determine only Prime Creator and my Higher Self. I transform into Light and Love my causal body created in the cycles of reincarnations. I am Sovereign Being and I forever forbid any creature worked for Matrix hierarchy to take or interfere with my energy, and in case of violation of this prohibition, I send a violator into Galactic Center with force of my Higher Self. I restore the primary agreement signed by me with Endless Original Source, to be incarnated in this place on earth and to ground Light and Law of Original Source in my embodiment. With this agreement’s force of Love I dissolve all remaining constructions related to the old agreements with Matrix.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 19:35:38 +0000

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