Insulin resistance is caused by: too many carbohydrates in the - TopicsExpress


Insulin resistance is caused by: too many carbohydrates in the diet (about 30% of the population cannot cope with a normal amount of bread and sugar), damaged vegetable oils called trans fat, environmental toxins and birth control pills. Before we look at the supplements though, we should consider dietary concerns. When the body is insulin resistant, it simply does not remember how to use carbohydrates for energy. It can only store them as fat. At the same time, an insulin resistant body does not have the ability to burn fat stores for energy. The solution is to restrict carbohydrates for six weeks to remind the body how to use them for energy. You may need to go down to 30 or 40 grams of carbohydrate per day, but you still must eat vegetables for their fiber and nutrition. Your best source of calories during this time is fat, not protein. Protein puts a stress on the kidneys, and is also converted easily into sugar, whereas fat is simply burned for energy. Now, as for the natural supplements and items which can help lower blood sugar: • Magnesium. Fully 90-95% of us are deficient in this vital mineral, and one of its functions is to improve sensitivity of the insulin receptor. • Iodine and Vitamin D3. Deficiencies in both of these vital items are common and can lead to insulin sensitivity and hormonal problems. Take plenty of both (Vitamin D3 can be obtained in plentiful amounts from a daily exposure to sunshine) In women, iodines ability to revive hormonal sensitivity back to normal significantly improves Insulin sensitivity and other hormones. • GTF Chromium (Glucose Transport Factor Chromium) - The primary role of insulin is glucose transport is the primary role of insulin, chromiums main function is increasing insulins efficiency in regulating blood sugar levels. In one study of 180 men and women with Type II diabetes, researchers divided the subjects into three groups, each receiving twice daily doses of either 200 mcg or 500 mcg of chromium or a placebo. The patients were allowed to continue with their usual diet and medications. At the end of two months, those who took 1,000 mcg of chromium daily showed significant improvement in insulin response, the number if insulin receptors, and levels of blood lipids (fats and cholesterol)0. It took four months the group taking 400 mcg chromium daily to improve as much as the higher dosage group. However, all the patients taking chromium showed measurable improvement in their diabetes-related symptoms Source: Chromium in the Prevention and Control of Diabetes by Richard A. Anderson, PhD, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1998 • Digestive enzymes help the body better process sugar and the use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus, results in a longer, healthier, and more vital life. • Pycnogenol - Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant derived from French maritime pine tree bark and the subject of more than 180 studies over 35 years which has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and blood glucose without affecting insulin levels. (Tea Tree Oil is oil from tree bark such as, Pine. Terpinen-4-ol is the major TTO component responsible for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Surprisingly, turpentine is made from Pine bark, and Terpinen-4-ol is a type of turpentine.) • Bitter Gourd - Make a watery juice of a small Bitter Gourd (remove seeds) and drink every morning. • Gymnema Sylvestre - Is a plant that grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India and in parts of Africa. Herbalists in India have used the leaves of this long, slender plant as a treatment for diabetes for more than 2,000 years. The Hindu word gumar, which means sugar destroyer, describes the primary use of the herb in traditional Indian medicine. So strong is this herb that powered gymnema root has also been used to treat snake bites, constipation, stomach complaints, water retention, and liver disease. Doctors in India note that Gymnema Sylvestre is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and in food additives against obesity and caries. • Prickly Pear Cactus (Nopal) - Prickly pear could reduce blood sugar rises after a meal by up to 50 per cent according to a recent study. Prickly pear cactus is widely used to control blood sugar and diabetes and the cactus pads are consumed regularly in Mexico,. • Blackseed Oil (Nigella Sativa) - Also called black cumin seed (be sure that it is Nigella sativa regardless of what it is referred to as). Blackseed oil is legendary for its medicinal properties and has been used for thousands of years (Click here for more information). Preliminary research in animal trials has shown that that an extract from Nigella sativa seeds can reduce elevated blood sugar levels. • Fenugreek seeds are also proven to help reduce blood sugar. Soak fenugreek seeds in about one teaspoon in water at night, drink that water in the morning and chew and eat the soaked seeds. • Green plantain peels - Wash a green plantain and peel it, then put the peel in a jar and cover with water. Let sit overnight, and then drink this water three times a day. Lowers your blood sugar level. Keep drinking as needed and change the peel every other day and refill the jar with water. • Alpha Lipoic Acid speeds the removal of glucose from the bloodstream, at least partly by enhancing insulin function, and it reduces insulin resistance. The therapeutic dose for lipoic acid is 600 mg/day. In the United States, it is sold as a dietary supplement, usually as 50 mg tablets. (The richest food source of alpha-lipoic acid is red meat – but to insure proper health, use lean cuts of organic beef that has not been subject to antibiotics or feed lot practices). • Cat’s Claw – Used by indigenous tribes in Peru and South America to treat diabetes. Available at health food stores. • Cinnamon - Cinnamon has been shown to help regulate blood glucose levels and several studies indicate that it may be helpful against diabetes, particularly type II diabetes. • Other Good Foods and Supplements - Almonds, apples, oranges, coconut oil, and substances high in omega three oils (olive oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil, borage oil).
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 21:37:51 +0000

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