Interested in changing your eating to lose weight or to increase - TopicsExpress


Interested in changing your eating to lose weight or to increase your energy levels? I am now a Herbalife distributor and swear by its results so read below for some info on what it does and then get in touch for further info or to place an order! If you are looking to be in the best shape of your life both physically and mentally, Herbalife is the answer! People all over the world use Herbalife, everyone from your average man or woman wanting to lose weight or build muscle, right through to top athletes such as Christiano Ronaldo! speaking from experience, I feel in better shape, physically and mentally than ever before. My energy levels have gone through the roof and my ability to perform in training is better than ever. If you are trying to trim up and build muscle I would advise you replace 2 meals with shakes, 1 for breakfast, another for lunch, followed by a healthy nutritious meal for dinner. You can snack on fruit and nuts in between and can add fruit to your shakes if you wish, however this will increase your calorific intake so it is a personal choice. With less than 220 calories, each shake consists of a balanced combination of soy protein and carbohydrates to help you feel fuller for longer and sustain your energy levels. Each shake contains everything your body craves…. more vitamin A that a mango, more protein than a 62g chicken thigh, more fibre than 50g of broccoli, more calcium than 200g of yoghurt and more iron than 115g beans, and all this in under 220 calories! The shakes are high in soy protein to help build lean body mass and aid muscle recovery, and combined with a fitness programme, will have you in the best shape of your life, mens/womens health magazine style! The Formula 2 provides over 20 vitamins and minerals which gives you 100% of your daily vitamin and mineral requirements, something that is near on impossible with food alone. The fibre tablets help provide the body with enough fibre, which 80% of people do not have in their diet. Also included in the pack is a herbal tea which contains only 6 calories per serving and approx 85mg of natural caffeine, which is the equivalent to a cup of coffee. This will help you feel more energised and aid your concentration and alertness. It burns 86 calories per cup! 30 days worth of Formula 1 shakes (2 a day) 30 days worth of Formula 2 Multivitamins Fibre Tablets Instant Herbal Beverage Total = £107.10 This works out at £3.57 per day £1.78 per meal (cheaper than a sandwich from most shops!) Herbalife is not a diet.. diets are NOT sustainable. With a diet, if you stick to it, you will more than likely lose weight, but the weight you lose will not be mainly fat, it will be a mix of fat, water reserve and mostly muscle mass... Herbalife is different, its content (high soya protein volume) basically strips away fat while continuing to build lean muscle. It is scientifically designed to provide you with all of the vitamins minerals, protein, good fat and carbs that you need, so unlike with diets, there will be no sugar cravings and peaks and troughs in your sugar levels which affect your mood and energy.. Herbalife is also designed to help speed up your metabolic rate, so again in laymans terms it helps you burn the food that you consume faster and more effectively, therefore burning calories and in turn fat. Diets, due to the nature of them, end up slowing down your metabolism, therefore when you do come to a point where you want to start eating normally, your body cant burn the food quick enough and it ends up turning into fat stores, and you end up worse than when you started! All of the products are completely natural and have no weight loss accelerators, and totally safe during pregnancy and breast feeding! Hope this all makes sense, any questions just ask! To place your order or to book in for your free wellness assessment let me know! Xx
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 16:14:45 +0000

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