Inventors which haven’t earned any money. 1. 43 years ago - TopicsExpress


Inventors which haven’t earned any money. 1. 43 years ago Daisuke Inoue was a drummer in little-known band. Playing in the café, musicians have been worrying that audience was bored during the pause. And then Daisuke Inoue made up a karaoke prototype (it means empty orchestra in Japanese). He deleted voices from tape, left just music and offered up entertainment while musicians drank beer. It was in 1971. People liked this idea and very soon they started sing in chorus while musicians had a rest. When the band saw the success of this idea they created a company “Kreschendo”, made 11 karaoke-machines (prototype of modern ones) and started selling them for 100 yens, i. e. 80 cents each. In three years karaoke became very popular and big companies used this non-proprietary idea (Daisuke Inoue hasn’t even crossed his mind to patent his invention) and started making their own machines. Karaoke boom has started. Today, everybody knows what karaoke is and many people have this machine at home, but you can’t see the name of the inventor in business editions and Forbes magazine. Daisuke Inoue hasn’t got a yen for his invention. 2. Douglas Carl Engelbart created computer mouse in 1964. And what do you think? Maybe he is as rich as Bill Gates? You didn’t guess. In 1968 Carl Engelbart has got 10 000$ for his invention and spent all this money as a first payment for his modest summer house. Of course he is not as poor as a church mouse but unfortunately he hasn’t earned millions and billions!... 3. Five years before Alexander Bell created a telephone, in 1871 the same device was made by Antonio Meucci who refused to pay 10$ for his invention. 4. Leonardo Da Vinci was so scared of Paris stench that designed for king, Francis I toilet with wash off. But the king, hasn’t understood, what he needs it for. Toilets haven’t been built.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:47:18 +0000

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