Is Scottish Labour a propaganda tool for the British State? 3 - TopicsExpress


Is Scottish Labour a propaganda tool for the British State? 3 Replies By Tom Steele Now that the referendum is over, we see the mainstream pro union press such as the Daily Record espouse, without a shred of embarrassment, how we should “get over ” the referendum result in a cynical ploy to sook up to the rapidly diminishing Scottish Labour supporters, and a vanishing readership they spent much of the last two years smearing as “separatists, Cybernats or nationalist” in pejorative terms. Like clockwork we see the Scottish mainstream media rolling out their propaganda to try and deceive the people of Scotland into believing that the toxic Labour Party is the way forward for our nation, but in actual fact, all the British Establishment wants is Scotland ruled by “the safe pair of hands” that is the British Labour Party, thus allowing Westminster dominance and the status quo to continue ad infinitum. 10719534_373149522837213_2054915927_n Humiliated Labour dinosaur Gordon Brown, acted as agent for the British State against the interests of his own country Undoubtedly many thousands of Scots were persuaded to vote no in the belief that Westminster would deliver the maximum powers publicly vowed to in a written signed statement to the people by all three party leaders and fronted by the untrustworthy Gordon Brown. As predicted by the YES campaign, this solemn vow was being broken within hours of the referendum result and we now have the ridiculous situation were the vow’s architect, Labour dinosaur Gordon Brown, is now begging the people of Scotland to sign a petition to get Westminster leaders to stick to the “unbreakable vow” they made! Honestly friends, it’s a political pantomime. All the unionist parties declared open season at their party conferences on the poor, the disabled and the working classes, and the imposition of even more austerity on us all, not to mention all their promises to save the NHS, the same NHS they said was safe in their hands but not in an independent Scotland’s hands. The Scottish Independence referendum has blown Scottish politics apart and exposed the Labour Party as a purely Westminster centric organisation that showed it’s true colours by not only aligning themselves with the Tories, but actively and enthusiastically acted as their agents for the British State against and to the detriment of the people of Scotland’s desire for self-determination. Many who voted for the union are smart enough to see this treachery and must now be asking the question, “If they can act in such a disgraceful, despicable and dishonourable manner towards my fellow Scots in favour of independence, then what’s to stop them acting in a similar manner now they have secured a No vote against the rest of us? 10581450_373158829502949_1780120383_n Scottish Politicians working at the behest of the British State Labour has fallen into a trap of its own making and could have fought against independence in its own right, while at the very least retaining a veneer of their core values. The fact is they acted as front men to be dangled like Tory puppets to secure the gravy train of unionism by selling out, not only their working class bedrock, but the people of Scotland as a whole. Scottish Labour like the Tories before them, have now made themselves almost unelectable in Scotland as witnessed in the astonishing and explosive growth in the membership of pro-independence parties recently. This has now established the SNP as the third largest political party in the UK, and challenging the Tories for second place, they could conceivably become the largest political party in the whole of the UK. Ironically, the pro union parties and politicians have now alienated many thousands of the people that voted for the union with their shameful public squirming and denials in order to renege on the vow for the powers promised to Scotland, even the Tory coward David Cameron who did not have the courage or the guts to engage the people of Scotland publicly, is now linking the deal to devolution for England. The spectacle of the Devolution debate in the House of Commons in which none of the party leaders who signed the vow, could be arsed to attend parliament, shattering any hope that this was nothing more than a unionist circus and a complete and utter betrayal of the people of Scotland. So we should be grateful to the Tories, Liberal Democrats and especially Scottish Labour, for exposing to the people of Scotland by their actions and deeds in the referendum, they really do unite and work “better together” as political parties against the interests of ALL the people of Scotland. Far from stifling the movement for freedom and self-determination, the unionists have just thrown petrol on the fire of independence and by their betrayal, have guaranteed that it is not if Scotland will ever become independent, but when it will become independent.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:09:51 +0000

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