Is Thanksgiving a Holiday anymore? I feel bad for everyone that - TopicsExpress


Is Thanksgiving a Holiday anymore? I feel bad for everyone that has to work on Thanksgiving just to get early Christmas shopping done. Feels like for a long time that it goes from Halloween right to Christmas with Thanksgiving being just as a shopping day for Christmas. I know Thanksgiving has a dark past but when did we take a Holiday that once was a National Holiday & make it to a day where the working class retail worker is forced to work to serve everyone else with their shopping addictions. You think with the internet & cyber Monday sales that the need for people working at Retail Stores wouldnt be needed as much. The fact we have to make millions of people work to miss out on Holiday time to help you buy a TV is just sad. I know many retailers pay their Employees time & a half but hearing they will be FIRED if they dont work on Thanksgiving is harsh. When I worked retail over a decade ago I remember Black Friday being on FRIDAY. It went from 5am Friday morning to now 5am THANKSGIVING MORNING! What is wrong with people that you dont want to eat a good meal with your family & watch a parade on a National Holiday instead you want to beat people to save 10% on a Flat Screen TV. Doorbuster Deals are a joke...why do retailers want people to bust the doors & cause chaos over overstock items. I love the Holidays but this needs to change. I rather NOBODY buy anyone presents & just donate money to the poor. Just buy things for yourself when you need it. Give your time to people not material gifts. I am lucky to work a job where I can afford things I need or want. People shouldnt have to go into debt & miss out on precious time with loved ones to buy things we really dont need. To all you working on Thanksgiving I really appreciate you all. I hope you get the extra money you deserve then get a nice cooked meal for dealing with all that want to bust doors to save 10% on a toaster. End Rant...
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 21:19:25 +0000

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