Is This in GOD’s Plan (This message is not to offend anyone, but - TopicsExpress


Is This in GOD’s Plan (This message is not to offend anyone, but to cause us to stop and think about what we are doing. Also, this message isn’t just for the reader it’s for the writer as well. Even though I brought the message, it’s for me to receive it too.) As human beings we often think that we know and understand the plans our HEAVENLY FATHER has placed before us. We often go ahead of the ship; jumping in the driver’s seat; or we sometimes tend to make contact with people without receiving instructions. Well, we’re not led by GOD the end result will be: our ship will hit a huge iceberg and sink, our tire will blow out from an enormous pothole, and the contacts may be a distraction or it may not be the time to work with them (that’s only if they are a part of the vision). We need to slow down and receive from GOD. HIS clear precise instructions will guide us, because HE already knows what lies ahead. Ultimately, we cannot step into battle without his guidance, Proverbs 24:6. It is very clear that in everything that we do we must obey and wait on THE LORD OUR GOD for it was written, 1 Kings 8:58 and Isaiah 26:8. The Ship: It’s wonderful how GOD shows us what HE has for our lives, as well as, the end result of our obedience and submission to him. But there are times when we as people will go ahead of GOD, not knowing what the next step will be. But our HEAVENLY FATHER said we should not be anxious for nothing, Philippians 4:6 NKJV (Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God). Knowing this why do we continue to go ahead of THE MOST HIGH? Well, it’s because we are not keeping his commands. We get so caught up on what the prize is that we forget about the journey. So when GOD turns the ship to the right, we are still going straight. So straight that we went too far ahead and now we’re off course of HIS PLANS, being left alone with no crew “The FATHER, The SON and The HOLY GHOST”. Is this in HIS plans; NO. So, SLOW DOWN AND WAIT FOR GOD. The Driver’s Seat: Have you ever heard the saying “Get into the passenger sit and let GOD drive”; in other words allow GOD to lead you in his journey for you, and you remain as a passenger? Well, sometimes in some cases we don’t listen and we end up in a situation like this. Taking a trip to a place we had never been before with no GPS system or a map and we’re getting direction from a person that knows just as much as we do. We need to submit ourselves to GOD so HE can lead us. Like, going to places where we know we shouldn’t go. Treating people in a way that we know we shouldn’t. And speaking in ways that we know are wrong. For if we were allowing GOD to drive, none of these things would be a hindrance for us. If we could just listen, the trip would be much more pleasant, Psalm 37:23-24 NKJV (23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.) So, keep GOD’s commands in your heart and you will win favor in the sight of GOD, Proverbs 3:1-4 NIV. So knowing this, the course of action on how we should deal with others will be as plain as day. The places that we should go will be very clear; and the words that we say, well we wouldn’t feel bad about them and have to turn around and eat those same words later. So are you going to allow GOD to lead you? Are we going to continue to treat others with disrespect and not with love? Are we going to continue to live a life outside of GOD and getting mad with HIM when things don’t go right? Also, are we going to continue to use our words to tear down when we should be building up? Is this in HIS plans; NO. So, STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW MORE THAN GOD. The Contacts (People): As human beings we often get so excited about a vision that is revealed to us from GOD. So excited that we want to run around and tell everyone about it, but we shouldn’t, James 1:19 NIV (19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.) For everyone is not under the WILL OF GOD, they will not understand nor will they be happy for you or your season. Proverbs 29:18 KJV (18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.) So stop sharing what GOD gave you (the vision of GOD) with everyone. They might be of the world and will speak against the vision causing you to doubt what GOD is doing with and for you. Now, receiving a vision from GOD is something that we should feel honored about; to know that our GOD loves us that much and in such a way that he trust us. To have that vision include others is even more of an honor and such a responsibility. We should be so responsible that we don’t go ahead of GOD and start including people in the vision not knowing who is or isn’t a part of it. Because involving dream killers in a vision will end up with the vision dying, Proverbs 29:18 NRSV (18 Where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint, but happy are those who keep the law.) So, don’t allow the weeds of the enemy to be a part of your seeds from GOD. Now, for the people who are to be there, don’t move too fast and bring them in too soon. Even though they are a part of the vision, it may not be the time yet. We don’t want to cause anyone to stumble and fall, Job 15:32 NIV (32 Before his time he will wither, and his branches will not flourish.) The time is not up to us to determine, for it is GOD who gives the vision and it is GOD who brings it to pass. So the only things that we need to do is, what GOD is leading us to do; for it is all in GOD’s timing, Ecclesiastes 3:1 Job 15:8 NIV (8 Do you listen in on God’s council? Do you have a monopoly on wisdom?) While waiting on GOD, if there is anything that we are unsure of, we should seek wise advice, Proverbs 12:15 NIV (15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.) But who are we receiving counsel from? We should know this by their fruits Galatians 5:22-23 and if they are a legitimate child of GOD. A legitimate child of GOD endures hardship as discipline, Hebrews 12:7-8 NIV. They will keep his commands, 1 John 5:3-4. A person who does not listen and accept discipline from GOD cannot counsel and neither can we if we do not listen and accept discipline, Proverbs 19:20 NIV (20 Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.); meaning WISE COUNCIL. So now that we know this, if a person does not listen and is not disciplined, the only thing they can offer you is their opinion. So going ahead of GOD, is that in HIS plans; NO. So, STOP TALKING TO AND GETTING ADVICE FROM THE WRONG PEOPLE AND STOP INCLUDING PEOPLE IN THE VISION BEFORE TIME (IF THEY ARE A PART OF IT). AMEN!!!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 01:48:40 +0000

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