It got a bit fiery here a couple days ago as I shared my thoughts - TopicsExpress


It got a bit fiery here a couple days ago as I shared my thoughts on Ferguson. I feel I owe it to those of you are wondering how it is I could possibly think the Grand Jury got it wrong. I also feel like I cant not speak about this, especially when I see such disparity between black voices and white voices; its as though there are two worlds living side-by-side. Cant you see it? I didnt for the longest time, but Im starting to. All the protests and hurt and anger arent just over this case; there is a much deeper root to it all, one that we would all be wise and kind to try and understand. To begin, we could listen to the people who are CRYING OUT to be heard. I am convinced that, in the name of love, the most important thing we can do right now is be vulnerable and open and willing to listen without defense or interruption when a whole group of people, all over the U.S. are angry and in pain and feel pushed aside as though their voices dont matter. What does it hurt to listen and think it through and consider? I am saying, there voices matter...your voices matter and I HEAR YOU. In order to lend my voice, I have linked to some articles that will, if you are interested, get you started in seeing the point of view of many, many people on the Ferguson case if you have not heard the other side. To note: I do not presume that Wilson is guilty, but I also do not presume that hes innocent. I believe the Grand Jury was heavily weighted in Wilsons favor, and that they were given instruction that *may* have prevented an unbiased decision. From my perspective, there is clear injustice happening with this case because of broken police procedure, he-said/she-said, and a slew of other issues including eyewitness accounts, inconsistencies, and seeming bias. And as to bias, for those who insist that Mike Brown was just a thug who deserved what he got that is just ugly. He was 18, and yea, he robbed a convenient store and pushed the clerk, and that was bad, but can you think of anything you did when you were younger that was bad? I can. I did some terrible things, including shoplifting jewelry from various stores (one time I got caught but the lady let me walk away). I also smoked weed a few times, and drank underage. Mike was 18. He was a man, yes, but he was a young man with a lot of maturing to do, and had he had the chance, maybe he would have. He wasnt a thug, just like Im not a thug. He was a young man who made some wrong choices, as have many of us have. Im not making excuses for his behavior, Im simply pointing out that the language we use means something; it matters. Furthermore, robbing a convenient store doesnt mean you *deserve* to be killed. Im learning to pay attention to the spin. ... A few articles on why I believe (along with thousands of others) that Darren Wilson should have been indicted and a FAIR trial should have been held: Shocking Mistake in Darrel Wilson Grand Jury: msnbc/the-last-word/watch/shocking-mistake-in-darren-wilson-grand-jury-364273731666?utm_content=bufferbd106&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer 16 people testified, under oath, Mike Brown had his hands up when shot. 2 said not: Unorthodox police procedures emerge in grand jury documents: washingtonpost/politics/seemingly-unorthodox-police-procedures-emerge-in-grand-jury-documents/2014/11/25/48152574-74e0-11e4-bd1b-03009bd3e984_story.html Why exactly did the police lie for 108 days about how far Mike Brown ran from Darren Wilson? dailykos/story/2014/11/26/1347499/-Why-exactly-did-the-police-lie-for-108-days-about-how-far-Mike-Brown-ran-from-Darren-Wilson# Michael Brown spent his last day with his friend Dorian Johnson. Heres what Johnson saw: vox/2014/11/25/7287443/dorian-johnson-story Examples of good cross-examination questions: soletstalkabout/post/103811445985/lisa-bloom-gloria-allreds-daughter-is-an And just because its good: Benjamin Watsons FB status that went viral: https://facebook/BenjaminWatsonOfficial/posts/602172116576590 There are MANY more articles on why this case should have gone to trial, these are just a few. I know many of you will respond with your own articles and opinions. Thats fine, but be kind.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 03:02:56 +0000

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