It has been an unusually interesting (and long) election season in - TopicsExpress


It has been an unusually interesting (and long) election season in Ossining. Theres been some good discussion of the issues and more than a little bad behavior to make us either appalled or entertained, depending on how cynical we are. I think everyone is ready to have a final result and see the lawn signs disappear. I went to the recent Chamber of Commerce debate and, like most people there, I had a good idea who would get my vote. But I wanted to see the candidates for mayor in person, side by side. I went in supporting Victoria Gearity and I came out being more sure than ever that she should be our next mayor. Heres why. When it comes to understanding the issues, it was a dead heat. Despite efforts to paint Gearity as inexperienced she was as knowledgeable and articulate as her opponent on every point. She had clearly been immersed in the issues for much longer than she has been a Trustee, and has made good use of her time in office. And I think it is worth remembering that she actually has more experience on the Village Board than her opponent did when he first ran for Mayor so many years ago. The real difference between them is how they intend to deal with those issues we face. What was convincing about Ms. Gearity was how her collaborative style and personal outreach have made a difference in working with key partners, like local businesses and the schools. She spoke of what she learned by walking Main Street – including being told shes the first elected official who ever entered shops to ask how things are going, and what the Village could do to help. And how her outreach to the schools has helped bring School District concerns into the Village planning process. Collaboration between the Village and the schools is critically important and long overdue. What this voter heard from Mr. Hanauer was that he does listen to voters but he seems to prefer a much more formal approach with appointed committees and commissions. People can reach out to him if they want, of course. But Ms. Gearitys approach is the opposite: she reaches out to people and what she learns from them is invaluable. Ms. Gearity emphasized the need for the Village to work with and support local business development, which generates more tax revenue than housing. Mr. Hanauer, of course, agreed that this is an important goal, but noted that budget constraints of the tax cap and the small staff in the Village offices made this difficult. He contends that the way to increase business in Ossining is to increase the population still more. And that, I think, is one of the key choices voters need to make. Gearity speaks frankly about how current policies have our schools bursting at the seams -- which we all know increases taxes. She stands for carefully evaluating any proposed development in that light, and ensuring that building codes are enforced. This is a change in focus that Ossining needs now. Mr. Hanauer persists in his conviction that the future of Ossining depends on even more high density housing. Im with those who think it is time to pause on that, to look for proof of the theory from the large developments already in play, and turn our attention to business development to serve the people already here or on their way. I am voting for Victoria Gearity and hope that her overwhelming win in the Democratic primary is repeated in the general election on November 4.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:29:45 +0000

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