It has been awhile. Al and I took Holly and the 5 oldest - TopicsExpress


It has been awhile. Al and I took Holly and the 5 oldest grandkids to the Eagle Inn Thursday. We got put in the back room (for obvious reasons...Too many in the group, not because we are loud and obnoxious). Ray Bolton had to come in to say Hi as did Tom Mahoney. Ray is a PdS trustee (and class of 66) and Tom served on the Sauk Prairie Ambulance Commission with me representing Sauk City. No further comment on that one except I like and admire Tom and he got ---- (use your imagination to fill in that blank. It still is a somewhat sore topic with me.) The kids got their quarters to play the gumball machines (nothing like the slots, at least with the gumball machines you can get a useless bouncy ball). Friday we headed into Madison to do our Sams and Costco run. What are the odds of running into Don and Marcia (Hambrecht) Douglas there? (Ill get back to you on the odds after I check with Darrell Russell (our old Algebra II teacher)). Both are 65ers. Don was Prairie and I think we were in all grades together from 1st grade on. (When we were sophomores (in Mrs. Pauleys English class) he gave the best oral book report I ever heard on One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I know after he finished I couldnt wait to get to the library to check it out!) Marcia was Sauk but also my cousin. She said she was waiting to hear about the spray painting of LBJ and AuH2O. I laughed at that memory but I dont think it was spray paint. If memory serves me well, I believe we were using cans of artificial snow that we found as bargains on Maxwell Street Days in Sauk City in 1964. I supported Goldwater because of my strong chemistry background. I also learned that if you vote for the losing presidential candidate, you can also say (unfortunately, sooner rather than later) At least I didnt vote for that idiot. It never fails. That is why I am so dumb-founded that we have so many Only Republicans or Only Democrats. They are both sometimes right and sometimes wrong. The trick is to work together. (Like Sauk and Prairie). Saturday, I had to get to Sentry because the Ballweg family was having their first bake sale of the year in support of their American Cancer Relay for Life fund raiser. Then we raced to August Derleth Park in Sauk for Jacobs soccer game at 9. There are four fields of soccer games going and we had no clue what color he was. Finally, we decided to just call Josh and find out where he was. Unfortunately he was still home because Jacobs game wasnt until 10. So we returned at 10. Then it was off to Junge Park for Rylans soccer game at 11:15. Ran into Cathy Crapser (MSM), Jennelle Zeman and Niki Conway (both PdS Village Hall employees). I think I talked to them more than I watched the game (pretty typical of me). Then we headed to Grand Avenue School (PdS) for Jacobs football game at noon. Brothers Tom and Bill and sister-in-law Cathy were also there for the game. Linda Theisen (from Toms class) showed up to watch her nephew play. (She never did find her sister, Dana, or her nephew.) She told the story of getting into the wrong car at the new Sauk Prairie Hospital. So I told her about trying to use my auto start the first time and opening my trunk. She said she was at the lake at Debbie Corraos and had to drive home past Green Acres in the pouring rain. She tried auto-start, opened her trunk and drove all way home with her trunk open (and she is 7 years younger than me.) Then we got a short break because Rylan and Aydens football game was also at Grand at 1. (No driving involved.) Ayden was so not into it. He would go out there with his hands in his pockets trying to look cool. Unfortunately, one needs hands to play flag football. Tammy and Tracy also showed up for that game. Jessi Bentley (MSM) was also there and I did get to talk with her, also. Sunday there were 24 of us here for Easter. After 190 days, we finally hit 70 degrees yesterday. We laughed about the fact that in January when I checked to see when Easter was, I said we shouldnt have snow for a change because it was so late. It was only last Monday we had that stupid snow. I think a good time was had by all and it only started raining as I put my car back in the garage The reason it was out was because I accidentally hit my auto start when it was in the garage and I didnt want to asphyxiate any of the guests. I did overhear a sister-brother discussion between Nancy and Al. Nancy is the picture taker (taking after her mother) and she was taking a picture of one of the twins. Al asked which twin it was. Nancy told him Cam. Al said you better remember who is holding each or you wont remember who is who. She said Well Cam has the blue striped outfit on. With that, Al raced into the living room to announce Trey is also wearing that blue striped outfit. (Brothers! They always have to ruin our logic,) Nancy said With my luck, I probably took pictures of the same twin. John Petri and I discussed listening to a Brewers game on Easter Sunday on Grandma and Grandpa Shermans front porch in 1987. He also remembered playing 500 with Andy and Josh when they were 8 and 9 in the field next to Granma and Grandpas. That must have been between Laura Seldens and Grandma and Grandpas. I did 100 plastic eggs with a quarter in each. Sarah was the only great niece here that is too old for the egg hunt (she really missed Tracy, Kelly and Ellen about that time) because she was handed the eggs and told to hide them. Josh did join her as the youngest Jerry/Evelyn grandchild present to help her hide them You have not seen anything until you see Josh skipping around with an Easter basket laying eggs. Each of the 4 kids (Lauren, Bailey,Jacob and Ayden) were told they could only get 25 eggs each. (To heck with that color-coding egg stuff!) They all said they got 25 eggs but last night Al did find one more egg. If anybody knows which kid got ripped off, let me know. I will make it right. We did find Baileys purple ribbon after everybody left. This morning I had to mail some bills and hit Sentry because Al wanted me to get a couple things on sale. I walked in with Marie Loether. She said Ron just had a tooth pulled and she had to stop for soft food. Unfortunately, I spent too much time talking and I missed getting out to chat with Ron. (When I became PdS Village President, Maurice Schaeffer was the Sauk City Village President. Maurie was a mentor to me. He told me he served 26 years as president. Ron Loether followed him as President and Ron and I did not have a mutual admiration (think Police Commission). Since then, we have talked and he has told me I was right. Stephen Dittberner followed Ron and we got along fine. Jim Anderson followed Stephen and we get along okay.) In the store I ran into (among many others I had to chat with) Sharrill Steuber. Sharrill pointed out that the Tundra Swans were back. Linda Theisen had mentioned it Saturday when we saw a couple bald eagles circling Jacobs football game. Of course, I had to drive down by Eagle Island to see them. I know I write way too much but I do it for my friends who actually encourage me to do this!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 19:19:14 +0000

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