It is always good to start and end you day with thanksgiving. Now - TopicsExpress


It is always good to start and end you day with thanksgiving. Now as I end my day I submit to you something to start yours :). So here is day 2 of the things for which I am grateful: 1 My mother. Sheila LeSure, as many of you well know, is unequivocally one of the most amazing women, wife, mother, friend,christian, and just human beings that this earth has ever known. It is true that we do not get to choose our mothers, so when God gave me to her he NAILED IT! She gave me life, she saved my life. She gives the best hugs. She is emotionally suportive. She is uplifting spritually as a woman who prays without ceasing for her family, her friends and loved ones, and even the stranger who may have no idea that she is interceding on their behalf. It has been my great honor to share her womb, her home, her laughter and tears, the stage and every step on this earth which i do owe to this gentle woman. When we are apart I miss her so much it hurts. Now I have to cut short this ramble before I start to ugly cry on the subway. Suffice it to say, I love her in the only way I have ever known love to be real: unconditonally, completely, boundlessly, proufoundly. 2. My girlfriends. To all those girls out there who dont have women in their lives with which they can share the joys that only estregen and mascara can produce, the extreme sadnesses that only menstruation can evoke, and the cringe that only comes from the word episiotomy, you are missing out! Girlfriends are an answer to our mothers intercessory prayers. If you are lucky enough to have one good girlfriend in your lifetime, you should know for all time that GOD IS REAL! And as a lover of love and a friendship giver I am blessed beyond measure to share this truth with more than just one past and present. Janice Torres thank you for showing me how to be a real ass down ass girlfriend who fears not nor withholds the ay or the nay with my friends. The importance of trust, and independent thinking. Not to mention how material you were in forming the unstoppably fierce diva that I am today. Stephanie Martinez, you have been there for literally the darkest days of my life and drawn inspiration and courage from me and I from you. You make me so proud of the beautiful, loving, magnificent woman that you are. I am so excited to see you in a couple of weeks. I cannot wait to show you all the sights: Manhattans noise and Coneys lights! .And Sara Mariot. My La Bella. You are so beautiful and words cannot express how blessed I am to have made a new girlfriend that we may discover and paint this city together. You are so classy and such a treasure. Lady dates are something I enjoy and look forward to all the time. I look forward to our girlfriendship blossoming with each passing day. Angela Blake.....what in the hell do I even say about the girlfriend who completes me. You are the yin to my yang. Our unexpected eternally secure bond is something that has deepened my soul in a way I didnt even know I needed. I MISS YOU SO MUCH IT HURTS. And im ugly crying again so moving on. 3. The stage. I do not have enough words to fill the monologue, nay, the Psalm that I have for the Theatre. It awakens a passion in me that I know so many of you can understand, and even more of you cannot possibly. As I have embarked on this new journey, in this quiet time, I have often found myself restless and yearning for it. But I know it is mine. I have given so much of myself to the theatre and it has reciprocated tenfold. The plays and scripts that I have tasted here in just a short time ignite in me a fire to go to there. I seek no other lover but it, and why should I? That which one seeks in the companionship of another--affection, adoration, praise, and passion--I can get from literally hundreds of people. You can keep your Tom, Dick, and Harry....Im tryin to holler at TONY(s)! And certainly not everybody loves me....but not everybody matters. I have also been waxing nostalgic lately about many of my friends in the acting world back home. The Kopecs whom i have grown to love like my own. Aaron Nichols, and Jim Geisel two directors who made me want to shine brighter in their eyes. Steven Cole the best stage lover a girl could ask for. Scot Shepley and Alison Huffman for helping me realize I love EVERYTHING about the stage. Not simply being upon it, but rather a part of it. Mark Moriarty and Lucinda Gary Moriarty, whose number pops up every time I go to call my mom, and I regret not pushing send more often. Sara Bartlett, whom i hope to see soon. I win the east coast for having her closer to me And most certainly not least of all my husband Delshawn Taylor, one of the brightest and most beautiful stars I know. So this is why people dont challenge me to do things. I can decidedly go on about some things. But, thank you Kyle for challenging me to say out loud the beautiful thoughts I have kept in my heart. And so for now I leave you to sleep, with a song of praise upon my lips and a prayer for the beloved in my heart.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:44:12 +0000

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