It is clear to me that some folks really do not care to understand - TopicsExpress


It is clear to me that some folks really do not care to understand the effects of systematic racism. Whenever a black person is killed by another black person and especially when a white cop kills a black person, suddenly their death becomes a commentary on how blacks are so violent, as if we dont ALL live in a violent culture that also includes violent whites, Asians, Hispanics and so on. What pisses me off the most is the number of black people who have bought into it. Their thought process is that if blacks expect fair protection under the law they will need to stop killing one another. Are you effing serious? So when white people kill one another then what? Should they as an ENTIRE race of people NOT expect to be treated fairly until they get their proverbial shit together as a race? NO, no one expects that but you want me NOT to march when a officer of the law kills a person when they should not have. You want to point out how many blacks killed blacks and no one marched. YOU didnt march...THAT does not mean there was no march. There are stop the violence marches ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. If you want one in your city, if it means so much, go ahead and organize one, let me know when it is so I can support you. Dont sit on FB or at home criticizing those that got of their high horse and did something. When a black person kills another black person someone is going to jail for that, justice can and most often is served. When a police officer kills an unarmed black teen, a black kid with a toy gun, a black man with a toy gun, a black man walking down the hall in his own neighborhood or a unarmed white homeless man walking out of a store, THERE IS A REASON TO MARCH! THERE IS A PROBLEM. There is reason to demand change, attend city all meetings and demand fair representation, demand fair policing, proper education and an end to racial profiling of ANY kind. If anyone reading this cant wrap their head around this concept too bad. Youre either going to delete yourself or get tired of seeing my posts and films and photography about this very issue. Either way, the revolution continues.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:02:24 +0000

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