It is generally believed that the Tamil Language existed and Kings - TopicsExpress


It is generally believed that the Tamil Language existed and Kings nurtured it for a period of about 10,000 years ago. READ ALL, TAMIL IS THE OLDEST...... Tamil InscriptionOld Tamil Inscription “According to P.T. Srinivasa Iyengar[23] who made research on this topic mentions in his book “History of Tamils” Chapter XVI on topic “Criticism of the legend”,[24] as the years mentioned for the Three Tamil Sangams are too vast. The First sangam lasted 4440 yrs and spanned 89 Succeeding Kings. The Second sangam lasted 3700 yrs and spanned 59 Succeeding Kings, The Third sangam lasted 1800 yrs and spanned 49 Succeeding Kings.”(wiki) By this reckoning the Age of Tamil is approximately 10’000 Years for the Sangam Period. But recent research says that a relic proves that the Tami land extended its landmass “extended southward below Cape Comorin (Kanya Kumari) incorporating present day Ilankai/ Sri Lanka. It had an enhanced offshore running all the way to the Equator. The maps portray the region as no history or culture is supposed to have known it. The much larger Tamil homeland of thousands of years ago as described in the Kumari Kandam tradition takes shape. It supports the opening of the Kumari Kandam flood tradition set in the remote pre-historic period of 12,000 –10,000 years ago. The inundation specialists confirm that between 12,000-10,000 years ago Peninsular India’s coastlines would have been bigger than what they are today before they were swallowed up by the rising seas at the end of the Last Ice Age.” With its description of submerged cities and lost lands, the Kumari Kandam tradition predicted that pre-historic ruins more than 11,000 years old should lie underwater at depths and locations off Tamilnadu’s coast. The NIO’s discovery and Dr. Milne’s calculations now appear to confirm the accuracy of that prediction. At that period of time, Ilankai/ Sri Lanka was part and parcel of South India. It is, however, in the inundation map for 10,600 years ago as seen that the island to the south of Kanya Kumari had disappeared to a dot, and the Maldives further ravaged. But more importantly, a neck of sea is seen separating Tuticorin in South India from Mannar in what is now Ilankai/ Sri Lanka. It is however in the map for 6,900 years ago that the separation of Ilankai/ Sri Lanka from the South Indian mainland is complete as it is today. Ilankai/ Sri Lanka’s separate existence as an island, so it seems, began 6,900 years ago or circa 4,900 BC. .. At present, no civilisation, as known to current history, existed in the Tamil lands of South India around 9,000 BC. Yet the discovery of the U-shaped structure by India’s marine archaeologists leads us to seriously consider that it was the work of a civilisation that archaeologists had failed to identify as its ruins lie submerged so deep beneath the sea. As Mr. S. R. Rao, the doyen of Indian marine archaeology, stated in February 2002, “I do not believe it is an isolated structure; further exploration is likely to reveal others around it”. Put it simply, the coast line of India , more specifically Tamils extended up to Equator. And this tallies with the descriptions of Tamil Kings in The Mahabharata during the Swayamvar of Draupadi , the reference to Arjuna having married the daughter of a Pandyan King and the mention of Cheran Perunchotruudiyan Neduncheraathan as having fed both the armies of the Panadavas and Kauravas during the Mahabharata War, among other refernces like the Tamil Knings donated Villages for Baramins po perform Vedic Rites daily in the Agraharas, ear marked for them. There are references in the Vedas about the Tamil Kings, though they are very few. Some of the, nay most, them relate to Tamil as a Language of Dravida, meaning South,or Kings associated with Literature, things like Pearls, elephants purchased from the Chera Kings, apart from Spices and fine cloth from Korkai. National Library,KolkataBooks, Manuscripts , National Library,Kolkata,Click to enlarge.Image from:National Library,Kolkata The earliest reference is in the Rig Veda where it is mentioned that Pearls were brought from the Tamils for offering in the Yagnas. Fine clothes, especially Saree Cloth was brought in for offering in the Yagnas. The reference to Tamil kings, which is most popular is the reference to a Chera King, Perunchotruudiyan Neduncheralaathan, who was reported to have fed both the armies of the Pandavas and the Kauravas in the Mahabharata war. There are references in the Ramayana to indicate Lord Rama visited the ancient cities of Tamil Nadu, including Vaitheeswaran Koil,Rameswaram , among other places. The curious fact is that there are no references to the expeditions of Tamil Kings into the North, or the great battles of the South. Nor do I find any references to the valor and Philanthropy of the Tamil Kings in the Sanskrit Literature. The reference of King Sibi, who was reported to have offered the flesh of his thigh to a Bird in Tamil literature is often linked to Lord Rama’s ancestry of Ikshvaku Dynasty. This is open to debate. But the references to Sanskrit Literature , The Puranas and Epics are innumerable to recount in this post. So much so Tamil has a Ramayana and Mahabharata Edition in Tamil composed by Great Tamil Poets, like Kambar and Villputooraar. The earlier Tamil Books like Tholkaapiyam, Agathiyam,Thirumurugaatruppadai mention Vedas and Lord Muruga and mention Muruga as Skanda of the Vedas. But by dating one says that Rig Veda is the earliest literature of Mankind. It mentions the Tamils of Culture , so are the Ramayana and Mahabharata If the oldest literature of Sanskrit were to mention Tamil , Tamil must ant-date Sanskrit. Curiously enough, as I said earlier there is no mention of Tamil Kings or Literature in detail. My question is that which History is Correct? By Tamil’s admission and quotes of Vedic Life, Sanskrit and Vedas must have preceded the Tamils. Yet Sanskrit quotes Tamil/Tamils? Which history is correct? Are both of them correct? Will some readers contribute? *Inshall be posting more from Archaeology as well om this subject. The intention is, not to prove which is ancient Tamil or Sanskrit but to find the curious relation of these languages which date the other ancient The Culture of the Tamils is very old and stretches back to a Million years. The scientific organisation of the society leaves one stunned. Lemuria .The Continent of Lemuria. Not only were they able to classify society on the basis of work performed , they classified the land mass into five regions, describing the unique characteristics of each. They have been able to visualize the different climatic conditions of the world and explained them away. They analysed the geographic peculiarities of each region, classified the habits of those who lived there and ascribed special name for each. And special moral codes based on the environment was developed. Strict moral code was applied and what is applicable to one region was not allowed n the other. The division of land mass. 1. Kurinji-Hilly Terrain and those adjoining it. 2. Mullai, Forest region and those adjoin it. 3. Marutham,Paddy fields and areas adjoining it. 4 .Neydal, Seashore and adjoining areas. 5. Paalai,Desert and areas around them. The latest classification by scientists is thus. The Köppen classification depends on average monthly values of temperature and precipitation. The most commonly used form of the Köppen classification has five primary types labeled A through E. These primary types are A, tropical; B, dry; C, mild mid-latitude; D, cold mid-latitude; and E, polar. The five primary classifications can be further divided into secondary classifications such as rain forest, monsoon, tropical savanna, humid subtropical, humid continental, oceanic climate, Mediterranean climate, steppe, subarctic climate, tundra, polar ice cap, and desert.(wiki) Except the Arctic region all the areas mentioned here seem to have been covered in Tamil Literature. Now it is not possible to know all the climates,study and classify them if people do not live there . They should have lived in all these regions, developed habits and formed them into classified knowledge. So, if the Tamils lived in the present Tamil Nadu, forming a part of India it would not have been possible to understand all the Climates and behaviour Even to-day, in the present Tamil Nadu, people do not really know about the actual weather conditions elsewhere in India,where they live in smaller numbers,save through newspaper/TV reports. Hence the land mass in which the Tamils lived before must have encompassed land masses containing the areas , regions about which the ancient Tamil literature speaks of. This tends to go with the theory of Lemuria which was consumed by a giant Tsunami,was inhabited by the Tamils. Mention of Dravida as those belong to the South of the Vindhyas , by the Vedic and Puranic literature confirms this. “ Two American eminent geologists McKenzie and Sclater have clearly explained that Africa and South America were locked together as part of the primitive continent until about 200 million years ago. The present formations of India, Arabia, Africa, Antarctica, South America and Australia started breaking up due to natural upheavals and moving to different parts of the earth at the rate of 15,000 years per mile on an average and found their places in the Asian Continent. The movement of the earth mass, called Navalam Theevu in Tamil, caused the formation of the present continent of India. There was a general belief that both Lemuria and Kumari Kandam were one and the same. However, it has been established by Frank Joseph, Secretary for Ancient American Association, in his book “The Lost Civilization of Lemuria”, the existence of a land called Lemuria, one of the world’s oldest civilizations, about 2.5 lakh years ago, in Indonesia. Hence, Lemuria and Kumari Kandam, which existed in southern part of India, are different lands. Mr. Joseph has also established that the Mohenjodaro letters of Eastern Islands are nearly 1,00,000 years old. He has critically examined the views of various scholars and established the source of Mohenjodaro letters as well as the ancient civilization of Moo and has written that due to natural calamities, the island of Moo was destroyed about 2.5 lakh years ago. Eastern Island, 1,000 miles near Japan, has a script called Rongo Rongo and it is identical with Mohenjodaro letters. This has been fixed as 1,00,000 years old. This post is in continuation of my post on which History is True Sanskrit or Tamils where thy quote the other as preceding them. I quoted from Literature and now I am trying to look into some archaeological finds. Tamil and VedasVedic Roots of Tamil,Culture The archaeological finds from Attirappakkam northeast of Chennai evidences the existence of Tamils about a million years ago! “The prehistoric period during which Lower Paleolithic settlements existed in the Tamil Nadu region has been estimated to span the period from about 1,510,000 BCE[1] until around 3000 BCE.[2] For most part of the lower Paleolithic stage, humans lived close to river valleys with sparse forest cover or in grassland environments. The population density was very low and so far only two localities of this lower Palaeolithic culture have been found insouth India. One of these is in Attirampakkam valley in the northwest of Chennai in Tamil Nadu.[3] Archaeological research has uncovered evidence of fossil remains of animals and primitive stone implements around the northern Tamil Nadu that could be dated to belong to around 3000,000 BCE.[citation needed]Humans in South India, belonging to the species of Homo erectus, lived in this primitive ‘old stone age’ (Palaeolithic) for quite a long time, using only crude implements such as hand axes and choppers and subsisting as hunter-gatherers“(wiki) The Tamil History based on this, Tamil Literature,Sanskrit Literature and Arikkamedu findings,Puducherry is between 15,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. Such an old civilization quotes Sanskrit and Vedic Literature . But we are dating the Vedas around 5000 BC. If the Sangam period , Muthal Sangam, at 500 BC is true, how is it that the Purana, which are earlier by at least by 4000 years, quote Tamils, Tamil Kings? Anachronism? As I pointed out in my earlier post, Sanskrit and The Vedas quote Tamil. So the History of India may need revision in dating taking into account the Tamil and History together and not studying them in isolation. The problem is compounded by the fact the references to Tamil Poets,Sanskrit Poets,Rishis,even Gods’ names do not seem to be Real. They are nom de plumes. We find the poets and Scholars, Rishis seem to have existed at various points of time. Viswamitra is not one man, the name means ‘friend of the World” he seems to have existed during Ramayana, Mahabharata periods. Take for instance even God, Hanuman> He is reported to have existed both during Ramayana and Mahabharata periods. Same with Vasisha, his name meaning ‘one who is very austere and one who follows discipline’ The list in Sanskrit is endless. In Tamil Sage Agasthya appears in many places ,transcending time. Avvaiyaar,has the same distinction. And take the instance of Tirukkural which is dated about 2000BC. Now there is no unanimity about the persona of Thiruvalluvar. His name is linked with a man of a Community , called Valluvar And the name of the Community is Valluvar. The thoughts presented in the Thirukkuaral encompasses Jain and Buddhist thoughts which came later! If you look at the Bhagavad Gita, one would find that it contains Buddhist and Jain Thoughts when Buddhism and Jainism were not even born! There is this point in Indian Philosophy which states that Time is Cyclic and that events happen and keep on happening in a Cycle ao that at any given point time, nothing seems to precede other for one who can Perceive. Then you have Viswamitra banishing his offspring to Dravida Desa and their successor Apasthamba organizes Vedas for those South of Vindhyas. But we find Tamil literature quotes Mahabharata to the period before Vuswamitra sent his sons to South. But to confound you Tamils are mentioned in the Ramayana! And you have the concept of Siddhas in Tamil. The Siddhas are reported to be transcending time. One of the great Philosophical treatises in Ttamil, Thirumandiram is written by Thirumoolar, a Siddha whose time is not accurately calculated( definitely before Second Tamil Sangam) and his thoughts are Adi Shankara’s Advaita. Shankara dates around mid 14 Century at the latest? How come his thoughts, more or less the same, in Tirumandiram? The Archaeological reference throw more confusion in dating Tamil and Sanskrit in that each quoting the other as preceding them, but How?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 13:27:31 +0000

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