It is not because I hate my brothers. It is because I want us to - TopicsExpress


It is not because I hate my brothers. It is because I want us to repent. I promise, guys, unless you stop this crap, you are going to be just as embarrassed in 20 years as you are now about excluding blacks from congregations and wonder "how in the world could that happen?" Just repent. Stop reading World Net Daily and all that Christian Zionist crap, and get rid of the idea that you must "support Israel" and remember: you have NO loyalty to a political entity that trumps your loyalty to basic biblical truth. We are called to be peacemakers, and there are biblical priniciples which govern whether a Christian may go to war. It is called the "just war" theory, was articulated by Augustine. It has been the guiding principle (though not always followed) for the Christians and war...... until GW Bush. Now it is CHRISTIANS who boo a man off the stage who dares suggest we follow the golden rule in our dealings with other nations. This is monstrously horrifically wrong. Repentance is a happy thing. Really. God is the God of a million new starts. This should be one of them for us.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 10:52:24 +0000

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