It is so sad to hear the news of Robin Williams passing away. He - TopicsExpress


It is so sad to hear the news of Robin Williams passing away. He was one of my childhood heros, he was such a remarkable actor and he was also a supporter of helping get whales out of captivity which only made me love him even more. He achieved a lot in his life both on screen and off but it just illustrates that some times in life people may seem happy and fine but deep down they are not. Depression and mental health isnt spoken enough about, its the invisible illness that people dont understand as they cant see it like a broken arm or a cold so it goes hidden for a long time. People who suffer with depression there is no shame in this its an illness like any other and people shouldnt feel ashamed by admitting they suffer from this illness. If you suffer with depression or know anyone who may be suffering speak to them be there for them and seek help before its to late. There are people that can help. Remember a smile can hide a thousand pains! Its sad that a big character that seemed so full of life has taken his own life because of this illness. We can take something from this and learn from it by raising awareness of this illness and talk more openly about depression! Remember dont judge people just because you may not understand the illness, your not the one living inside there head!!I am thinking of his family and all families around the world that have been effected by this illness x
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:52:35 +0000

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