It is surprising and has been to the hope of students. But know in - TopicsExpress


It is surprising and has been to the hope of students. But know in an obscure way./学生の希望にまでなっているとは驚きだ。でもなんとなく分かるような気がする。 Bigger than Kpop: Chinese students at Seoul university burst into tears upon seeing Xi Jinping/KPOPよりでかい:ソウル大学の中国人学生が習近平を見て泣き出した shanghaiist/2014/07/04/chinese-students-cry-upon-seeing-xi-jinping-seoul-university.php Xi Jinping is more than simply the head of the most populated nation on Earth. Hes also a superstar for the Chinese public, who, just like him, enjoy the occasional steamed bun . These Chinese students erupted in tears after catching a glimpse of Xi when he visited Seoul National University, a reaction more typical to that of a Korean student after catching sight of Kpop star G-Dragon . Everyone has his fangirls. Xi arrived in South Korea yesterday to promote a new security scheme in Northeast Asia that would diminish the American influence and ties in the region, according to The New York Times . This move has gained special political over-analyzation as Chinese leaders normally visit North Korea first before passing by Seoul. By Aliaume Leroy [via @harryjfawcett ]
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 13:58:33 +0000

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