It is very difficult to put into words what it feels like to know - TopicsExpress


It is very difficult to put into words what it feels like to know the end has come. Sometimes I hear people use the reasoning, Its just a game. But volleyball has never been just a game to me. Volleyball has been a lot of sweat, occasional blood, and sometimes tears. Its been hours after school in the gym, early tournaments on the weekends, and late nights during the week coming home from away games. Volleyball has taught me how to have fun, how to lose, how to win, and how to work with others. It has given me so much joy over the past four years. There have been ups and downs in my career. There have been wins and there have been losses. I would not trade any of it. It has made me into the person that I am today. So, for me, its been so much more than a game. In the 7th grade, I showed up to practice two weeks before school started without a single clue on what a dig was or how to properly hit a ball. Since then I have made leaps and bounds, but I would not have been able to do that if it werent for the help of amazing coaches along the way. Coaches can be tough and sometimes you wonder what the heck they are thinking, but they always seem to be right (even if its hard for us to admit). Not only do I have my coaches to thank, but I have my team mates to thank as well. I am one of the lucky people who has gotten the chance to play under amazing senior leadership for 3 years. And when it came my time to be a senior, I was blessed to have 5 other senior girls there with me to help lead vocally and by example. Thank you to my fellow seniors for giving me a reason to play and a reason to never give up. Thank you for sticking it out through hard practices and long preseasons for 4 years. You guys are truly what made this year so memorable. To the HCV fans, thank you for your support. To the parents, thank you guys for all of the after-game sandwiches and driving everywhere just to watch us play. Last but not least, thank you to my parents. I owe you both the world. Thank you for having an ear to lend when I was frustrated and needed to vent and also thank you for sometimes telling me I needed to shut up. Your support for the past 18 years means so much. I love you both to the moon and back. I could write an entire novel (which it looks like Ive done) about how much this game has meant to me. I would not trade in the floor burns, the bruises, the aching shoulders, the early morning tournaments, the late night bus rides, the good, the bad, or the ugly. I especially wouldnt trade in the girls I went through all of this with and I wouldnt trade in the game we played tonight. A song came on while I was driving home tonight and it went like this, All these things are rushing by. All things must end, darling.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 01:54:16 +0000

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