It seems that human nature seems ever present, no matter how - TopicsExpress


It seems that human nature seems ever present, no matter how deeply we delve into our spiritual selves. I want to use a recent unfortunate incident from my own life as a springboard to a discussion about truly living from our spirituality, and truly being open to receive and honor the views of others. I saw a post on Aura & Soul Psychology, a page that is offered to be a community. It is run by a couple of people I used to completely admire and respect, and deeply appreciate. I still hold a lot of all of those good feelings, but also now see what their page is doing in a somewhat different light. The post was by Martin Soulreader, saying, Our soul is hidden by the complexities of the mind. I offered a comment on the page, questioning his use of the word our, then explaining that in my own experience, I have found great value in seeing my soul without my mind, but also that I have found great value in what my intellect sees about my soul. Well, it was words that that effect, anyway, presented in about the tone I just used. I was not all gushy about their post, but simply saying clearly that our souls are not hidden by the mind because in my experience, my mind helps me to see parts of my soul that can be seen best by the intellect. Martin or Carola immediately deleted my response and set the privacy of the page so that I was no longer able to make comments. Comments praising them for their wisdom remain in the post. I found out that I could not longer post comments a few minutes later when I saw a post that I really loved and wanted to offer a comment fully supporting it, and adding a bit about what it meant to me. I dont want to make this post about my being miffed and disappointed by their treatment of me, although I was both. I have forwarded a lot of their posts to my friends, fully loving and believing so much of what they offer, and believing in the really high goals they talk about and encourage people to do. Yes, it is disappointing that my support of their page is not appreciated if I sometimes see things differently than they do and want to say so on a page they claim to be a community. The more important thought and question, though, is found in the very large gap between what they are seeing about spirituality and sharing with the world so well, and their own actions. I am sure that we all have our highest spiritual goals, yet have equal difficulty living them in a way that is as complete as the goals and ideals seem to be. Just as a few examples, their page talks about relationship healing, yet they barred me from any relationship over a simple difference of opinion about the soul and the intellect. Another post urges people to let others know what they feel about them, but when I do that, I am deleted and banned from their page. The next post talks about the need to receive others, yet my views were not received. Another post talks about looking at the reasons you over-react. My personal favorite that ties in directly to this discussion was said by Carola a few days ago: Having one or two intimate friends whom you trust enough to have conflicts with will enrich your life greatly. My real question is more of a statement. It is really puzzling to me how people who are so clearly in tap with the wisdom that their posts contain again and again, wisdom that has had so much value to me and that I have shared with delight with friends in my life, could talk about how conflict can enrich a life, yet shut down anyone who approaches them with even polite disagreement. The major break in the way that all of those really great spiritual beliefs are shared and how they are lived, even on their own page, is so obvious. Yet they DO channel information of great value. I reall do want to make this a positive thing that can lead to a better understanding of what is really important here. I pose this dilemma not to single anyone out, because I think we all do the same, in our own ways. There is great value in exploring the disconnect in what we believe and know, and what we put into actual life experience. I really do want to know how two beautiful people could be creating so much in others in one way, and shutting out others in a different way. I want to know how all of that good information could be coming through parts of life that hold all that wisdom, yet those very parts of life cant seem to bring the very words they share into a real-life situation. I welcome comments, and although I am not welcome on their page, I do hope that Martin Soulreader or Carola Arcadia feel free to post their comments on my page. I did offer to talk about this with them before I posted it on my own page and groups, but they didnt respond, but simply deleted my comments. Id love to hear what thoughts other people have, because there are a lot of people in my friends list and in the groups I frequent that may help me put this in better perspective. I wont delete comments that disagree with me, or even those that tell me that I am over-reacting. :-)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 10:57:05 +0000

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