It seems that some people just bring up a topic and without prior - TopicsExpress


It seems that some people just bring up a topic and without prior knowledge of it, began to bla, bla, bla, and start interpret the bible, not knowing that the bible interpret itself. How in the world can anyone know anything of God and not know his churchs doctrine? Because they are have lots of time to get away with their stunts, so they are taking advantage of those who are not regular bible students but are hungry for the true gospel. If you want to tell people the truth, tell where are Gods church mention in the bible, show them what name they were called and whose name they were called by. Also, stop the gimmick and start show them how Jesus and his church keep the Sabbath (Luke 4:16)and (Acts 17:2). Let them see how for real as Jesus inspire John to in Revelation 12:9-that the whole world is deceive. Stop deceive them even worst and let them have a chance at Gods free gift. Mixing up the words of the bible, first you said the law is no more, then you said they must obey God, that is confusing, stop contradicting yourself and go to the church of God and read some literature and be wise. You must remember Psalms 111:10- The fear of the Lord is the BEGINING OF KNOWLEDGE, and a GOOD UNDERSTANDING have all they that do his commandments. So the next time you are talking about law, let us know which law you are talking about, for many think you are talking about everything, which is throwing out the baby with the bath water. Now let me reminds you that there are only one true church and its the church of God in your bible. For if you and me take a trip to Corinth, and decided to go to a church, you goes to yours and I will go to, notice , unto the CHURCH OF GOD WHICH IS AT CORINTH (1 COR 1:2), I goes to that church and you goes to your name brand church, who is following the word? I know people are hungry for this, and thats the reason any of you hear about me. because I try to ran from doing this, and finally realizes that I did ask for it as a child, and after wanting my way out, it still following me and making me to realize that I must be careful what I asked for, for I shall surely get, and I did.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:44:58 +0000

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