It was YOUR assertion, not OUR assertion, that this jew source did - TopicsExpress


It was YOUR assertion, not OUR assertion, that this jew source did NOT say “…from then on they [the non-Israelite Edomites] constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants. EDOM (Idumea), The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589’. It was YOUR assertion which was a LIE—or at least a profound plague of ignorance. And yet -- like a spoiled little child -- you demand that others must prove you wrong, BECAUSE IN YOUR SICK, TWISTED MIND, YOU MUST BE RIGHT BY DEFAULT. Jon Mosely It’s not a matter of being “RIGHT BY DEFAULT’! It’s a matter of being called a LIAR for quoting, ACCURATELY, their OWN sources. It’s a matter now of their abject inability to comprehend the written word, even a written word phrased by their OWN tribe. It’s a matter of THEIR believing that their own filthy thoughts and culture of death are more credible than their OWN tribe’s writings [whch are rarely honest or accurate anyway]. It’s a matter of cognitive dissonance—they “think” we will “trust” their “minds”and reject their OWN tribe’s WRITTEN statements even years after they’ve proven to be STUPID, ignorant, arrogant, vain, DISHONEST, psychotic, and paranoid. You bet, Edomite Moseley—we’ll also back you up as you blow up 12 year old Palestinian boys for throwing rocks at “your” [read: OUR] tanks.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:22:12 +0000

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