It was a genuine honor and pleasure to just get to meet and listen - TopicsExpress


It was a genuine honor and pleasure to just get to meet and listen to Dr. Maya Angelou at Cincinnatis National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. Its impossible to do justice to her aura and her eloquence, but here are just a few of the things from her remarks that will stay with me... 1) All of us - every single one of us - needs help on our journey. Remember that sometimes that help will come from places where you didnt expect it. 2) There are nasty, ignorant people who will try to make you feel ugly, weak, and unworthy. Turn to other people, but also especially to turn to art to affirm for yourself that you are beautiful, strong, and worthy. 3) This last point isnt something she said as much as its something she just exuded: The 85-year-old Dr. Angelou has certainly known sorrow and suffering in her life, but seeing her smile and hearing her sing and listening to the sparkle in her voice, to me the implicit but unmistakable message was: Find a way to find joy.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 20:57:52 +0000

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