It was awesome to be a part of what God was doing in the seas an - TopicsExpress


It was awesome to be a part of what God was doing in the seas an in the Bahamas. The tools satan uses to trip up or redirect Christians are distractions and division. Great War tactics if you ask me. Satan distracts us by throwing in temptations we are prone or weak to, stress, difficult situations that take our focus off of God. Satan then tries to divide Christians. As we learned on the cruise that in America look at the denominations of the American Church. We all have one common denominator an that is that God sent His son to earth to die for our sins. We admit we are a sinner, repent and turn from sin, believe that Jesus is the son of God and accept his gift of forgiveness, and then confess that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. However as Alex Kendrick stated Christians divide on secondary issues. Example, we dont worship like you do, versions of the Bible, church times, etc... On this cruise there were multiple denominations and we all worshipped God together in unity! It was amazing that on every floor late at night you would see and hear us singing old hymns that are slowly fading out of church. Jennifer Kostyal preached on the anointing of Christ and how as ministers we need to act and operate in the high anointing of God. I may be a singer but through Christ Im a minister spreading Gods word through song. We need to watch what we take in because eventually what you take in will flow out of you. Jennifer gave an example of a movie that she walked out of quickly because it was filth. When she went to the manager of that movie theater an told him that she wont pay for filth he agreed and stated that the movies that are showing are filth. To operate in the anointing of Christ needs to be pure. We make mistakes and mess up but that is what grace and forgiveness is for. Be quick to repent for you sins because God can not use you if there is a sin issue between you and God.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:25:57 +0000

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