Its Proof Time Michael Precursor / Michael Burgundy / Sentry - TopicsExpress


Its Proof Time Michael Precursor / Michael Burgundy / Sentry Precursor / AugustAquila quotes / things hes put then Strikes ( posted here too just in case people cant see the other post in twenty comments time ) ( if youre blocked or the post was censored I can get screen shots of my email notification copies of most of these ) Michael Precursor https://facebook/groups/1475960579347315/permalink/1508116446131728/ I have not to prove anything to you Jo. As a sovereign born Sentient being I have no obligation to meet or respond to your demands or standards. https://facebook/ASMandMedia ( scroll to post Dont let them Our divine purpose and reality is sacred What matters is us and our unions reality. No opinion is worthy before our dignity, all else is wholly irrelevant in comparison towards our obligation to preserve our precious unions dignity and divine sovereignty https://facebook/groups/297328210459486/permalink/313725185486455/ I know my truth; My reality differentiates itself a million ways from that which you may percept, therefore such claims you make, are wholly obsolete Theres no need for me to be a champion of truth, given my birth as a bearer of truth; I am truth I have no link to this as I got it straight from Michaels mouth in a meeting and put it to paper as soon as possible. So there is only my word that this is true. I speak the truth ( what I believe to be true ) that is why i say my word is truth This is part paraphrased. It is Michaels reply to the question, do you ever take the advice of others? To this Michael says that he wont even consider the advice / criticisms others make of him, as he is so self confident, so sure of his own reality, that what he thinks of himself is right, that he has no cares for the thoughts of others on who he is that is over pride to the extreme. Even the most basic of open minded person would consider the advice or criticisms that others make to them. Even if to wrongly or rightly to dismiss it out of hand. Clearly Michael has a Superiority Complex so extreme, that you might even call it a God Complex Was Michael brainwashed by Strike? Yes and No Its my perspective that Michael, who we have had proven to us used to be normal enough guy when he was Timelessone, is clearly a brainwashed fanatic. Now while the most recent info on Michael ( from Michael ) explains that he has grown up in this community since he was 13. Growing up in the community can mean various things. To me Michaels clearly out of control sense of his own self righteous superiority, means without that self control, and the ability to take critical input from others, he may have too much come to consider clans his real life. What is clear is that somehow he went from normal enough Timelessone to the Michael Precursor of today. Myself and others openly through public comments worked out fast that it started when he was in the UUF. Michael may have had pre existing psychological problems, but we hold that the UUF of Strike is massively responsible for what has happened to this young man. The UUF of Strike brainwashed Michael, and thus we hold Strike responsible. Michael though has made more of this, brainwashing himself through not considering the advice of others. Thinking he is right and nothing else matters. Who can say who is truly responsible. Though we hold Strike responsible too for how close Michael has turned out like Strike in so many ways. Strike is no pillar of the community, not a person of true morals. Michael is in many ways a Strike Clone. Though Michael is far more of a threat to the community, and shows us the potential threats of what people can turn into through Strikes UUF. These are some of Strikes quotes though ( he is a whole other person through words, outside of casual interviews, when he loses his cool ) One thing that Strike stands for is that its clear to many people that Strike thinks the present community is just wrong and needs to be made into what he wants it to be. His vision of our community. Something the community has no intention of letting happen. To his extreme annoyance Strike This current generation of members of our Community is very much mislead and thus disabling our abilities to enable prosperity All we need now is to decide the distinguished leader, to lead us out of these slums into the galloping triumphs. ~Strike you then? Trying to justify the things hes commonly disliked for in the community. ive made vital contributions to the Community here that tarnished my image yes! But in the end will work to my success. I will purge my image and shatter its dream to look good if that is what is needed to get your people to understand what they far to often refuse to accept and look onto His for The Greater Good argument ( the bad things I do are for your own good ) you see how I have even gone as far to let my image shatter for the survival of my views its a sacrifice ive accepted long ago so there is little logic to reference that in this day and age You know nothing of what you criticize. Its people like you who are the true blockage here. Just because my solutions are bitter do not mean they dont work. On true world US Marines ( talking to a guy who was joining / joined the US Marines ) youre pathetic over egocentric Marines are nothing in comparison to my future advances in career crawl to the nearest barracks with your pathetic Marine buddies and scram the gum from underneath the lunch tables there serve your country you bastard. Strike losing his cool, when criticised over his past Go to hell you pigs, if I ever encounter you one day in life ill make sure you are well educated over your misconduct towards me Youll mount to nothing with such self pitied ideals. You can do nothing more but attempt to harass me over such simple matters that will never concern the likes of you. On Halos UUF that was created to restore the honor of the UUF they felt was lost through Strikes actions. I was part of Russians UUF at the time. And you took nothing but the name . . you corrupt bastard. Youre nothing true all youve done is stolen valor you incompetent piece of trash, all youve done is go against all that is fair and for the better of you and your friends in the Community, the ground will rot from where you stand. Youre just a childish scoundrel which should be ripped from where you stand. Youre a false state and a fool for believing youre doing something great for yourself and your clan friends its fine. All of you can enjoy drowning on that sinking vessel. This conversation is over pathetic being. You have achieved nothing here you ignorant piece of trash cool under pressure, really shows us self control
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 09:09:52 +0000

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