Remember a couple of posts back I was talking about what the - TopicsExpress


Remember a couple of posts back I was talking about what the non-competitor who is keen to lose body fat can learn from those really good competitor figure girls? Well here is something else that is mentioned a lot of on social media, but it is worth repeating. Too many people dont have the ability to see beyond the scale and as someone who understands the importance of RECOMPOSITION this is a touch frustrating! In addition, theyre so fixated on the results of working out and eating well that they dont make working out and eating well a goal itself. And this fixation usually boils down to wanting to weigh less (or more) at any cost. Girls you should be working out because you LOVE your body, not because you hate your body. Then and only then may the gym become a different and better experience for you. Chasing a number blinds you from seeing all the progress you are making, it blinds them from enjoying that progress, and it often discourages you from continuing. Many regular trainees are happy losing 5 kilograms of weight and seeing the scale go down. But a competitor would not be fooled so easily. Shed want to know what that weight was made of: glycogen, fat, water? And muscle loss would not be acceptable. They dont freak out when the scales dont read what they expected. Seasoned competitors dont expect huge results overnight. They celebrate tiny improvements in their looks and their own behavioural changes. They enjoy the grind because of the results they get little by little in the mirror, and they trust that the right behaviours will give them the body they want. So the number on the scale never derails their efforts. And it shouldnt. Theres no scale on stage. When you intentionally build muscle you sacrifice fast weight loss for higher metabolism and the kind of look you can only get from having muscle. People who fixate on weight loss often will lose weight, but without maintaining or building muscle theyll lower their metabolism, then gradually gain that weight back, and finally end up with a higher number on the scale, less muscle tissue than they had to begin with, and a squishy, weak body. So take a leaf from this post and focus on the things that will benefit you LONG-TERM, as the short term is nothing more than a Band-Aid, that when ripped off is really going to hurt you no end.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 20:57:06 +0000

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