Its a new year coming up, and that means New Years Resolutions! - TopicsExpress


Its a new year coming up, and that means New Years Resolutions! Inevitably, for a lot of people, this includes things like get healthier, exercise more, and lose weight. These are all quite simple processes, but surprisingly hard for people to follow through on. There is a lot of misinformation, pseudoscience, and outright cons out there that people spend a lot of hard earned money on. These gimmicks, pills, and magic fixes are invariably complicated, expensive, and ultimately ineffective, designed to keep you paying as long as possible. As part of my ongoing goal of fighting misinformation and helping people to cut through the bullshit, im extending an open offer of my services to anyone who wants them. I will tell you exactly how to lose weight, or exercise more, or both! What makes me qualified for it? Nothing, really. Personally, I am able to easily manipulate my weight, and depending on the time of year I regularly add or cut anywhere from 20-50lbs at a time. I spend a lot of my free time reading about health and nutrition and im familiar with most of the diet and exercise myths that get spread around. Im a skeptic, and enjoy pointing out phony products or unscientific claims. It also helps that the basic science of weight loss and exercise has not changed in any appreciable way in hundreds of years. No pills, no quick fixes, im not selling anything and I dont want your money. I figure that since people sometimes ask me about this anyways, I might as well extend the open offer to everyone :) Simply send me a private message and I will give you simple, evidence-based advice on how to achieve your goal. I provide the information, and if you do the work, the results are guaranteed.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:54:19 +0000

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