Its a shame that for many of us the Islam we were taught by our - TopicsExpress


Its a shame that for many of us the Islam we were taught by our parents, family and grandparents was more culture than the religion itself. There is no doubt that this is a big test from Allah SWT for us to see if we clock on and stop these reprehensible actions or carry on dwelling in culture and tradition regardless of what Allah SWT has revealed in the Quran and the Prophets Sunnah. Some of our elder generation believe in many made up rituals which is covered up by classifying it as an Islamic obligation. Which verse in the Quran or authentic Hadith tells you to put a Quran over the daughters head on her wedding day because it would bless the marriage? PROVE me a Sahih Hadith from the sayings of the Prophet or from the revelations of Allah SWT? Where does it say every year you have to commemorate the death anniversary of your parents/grand parents and call everyone for a feast and in gatherings where more backbiting occurs than reading Quran? Which passages from the Quran allow you to blindly rely on the so called healing power that you find in a piece of paper which a so called spiritual healer has written and charged you £200 for and when you open this paper/taweez you find its got mumbo jumbo written on it and with a good possibility that it has more names of the devils written on it as oppose to the verses of the Quran? What have we done to this Deen? Have we ever thought about it or do we just follow the crowd because all these years we thought they know way their talking about? Forget the fact that we live in a world of Kufr (disbelief) more dangerous than that is that we live in a world of innovation that probably takes place within our own families. As much as we love our parents, relatives, cultures etc such innovations should ring alarm bells in our minds and hearts. We need to learn the fundamentals of our Deen and with love and affection explain it to our loved ones which seems like an uphill struggle but thats our test from Allah SWT and be patient in seeing the changes. I make sincere Dua that we start following the authentic teachings of Islam. Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 19:16:55 +0000

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